From DoomRL Wiki
Objects in DoomRL have unique identifiers.
One is the ID, a number used by the engine to track the item.
The other is the sID, a string which is used by the API to track the item, and what you define as id in most of the prototypes.
With the notable exception of defining a weapon's ammotype the sID is what the sandbox uses. You can use numerical IDs or constants that represent them; it's a legacy feature from the early sandbox days. But those aren't listed on this page, and string IDs are, so if you don't want to define your own building blocks, enjoy.
Contents |
Affects | |
berserk | berserk |
invulnerable | inv |
envirosuit | enviro |
light-amp | light |
Beings | |
former human | former |
former sergeant | sergeant |
former captain | captain |
imp | imp |
demon | demon |
lost soul | lostsoul |
cacodemon | cacodemon |
hell knight | knight |
baron of hell | baron |
arachnotron | arachno |
former commando | commando |
pain elemental | pain |
revenant | revenant |
mancubus | mancubus |
arch-vile | arch |
nightmare imp | nimp |
nightmare cacodemon | ncacodemon |
nightmare demon | ndemon |
nightmare arachnotron | narachno |
nightmare arch-vile | narch |
bruiser brother | bruiser |
shambler | shambler |
lava elemental | lava_elemental |
agony elemental | agony |
Angel of Death | angel |
Cyberdemon | cyberdemon |
Spider Mastermind | mastermind |
John Carmack | jc |
Arena Master | arenamaster |
Apostle | apostle |
player | soldier |
Cells | |
floor | floor |
stone wall | wall |
blooded wall | bwall |
base wall | dwall |
blooded base wall | bdwall |
ice wall | iwall |
blooded ice wall | biwall |
green wall | gwall |
blooded green wall | bgwall |
bloodstone | rwall |
blooded wall (bloodstone) | brwall |
crate (blue) | crate |
blooded crate (blue) | bcrate |
crate (yellow) | ycrate |
blooded crate (yellow) | bycrate |
closed door | door |
open door | odoor |
locked door | ldoor |
stairs | stairs |
down stairs (yellow) | ystairs |
down stairs (red) | rstairs |
barrel of fuel | barrel |
barrel of acid | barrela |
barrel of napalm | barreln |
water | water |
acid | acid |
lava | lava |
water (indestructible) | pwater |
acid (indestructible) | pacid |
lava (indestructible) | plava |
bridge | bridge |
Phobos rock | rock |
a nuke! | nukecell |
Levels#Basic Objects | tree |
bloody corpse | corpse |
blood | blood |
blood pool | bloodpool |
Most beings have automatically generated corpse cells. These cells have sID .. "corpse".
Exotic Items | |
combat pistol | ucpistol |
blaster | ublaster |
assault shotgun | uashotgun |
plasma shotgun | upshotgun |
super shotgun | udshotgun |
laser rifle | ulaser |
tristar blaster | utristar |
minigun | uminigun |
missile launcher | umbazooka |
nuclear plasma rifle | unplasma |
nuclear BFG 9000 | unbfg9000 |
combat translocator | utrans |
napalm launcher | unapalm |
onyx armor | uoarmor |
phaseshift armor | uparmor |
phaseshift boots | upboots |
gothic armor | ugarmor |
gothic boots | ugboots |
medical armor | umedarmor |
duelist armor | uduelarmor |
bullet-proof vest | ubulletarmor |
ballistic vest | uballisticarmor |
energy-shielded vest | ueshieldarmor |
plasma shield | uplasmashield |
energy shield | uenergyshield |
ballistic shield | ubalshield |
acid-proof boots | uacidboots |
firestorm weapon pack | umod_firestorm |
sniper weapon pack | umod_sniper |
shockwave pack | uswpack |
blood skull | ubskull |
fire skull | ufskull |
hatred skull | uhskull |
chainsaw | chainsaw |
BFG 9000 | bfg9000 |
Unique Items | |
Hell Staff | umodstaff |
Butcher's Cleaver | ubutcher |
Trigun | utrigun |
Anti-Freak Jackal | ujackal |
Grammaton Cleric Beretta | uberetta |
Jackhammer | usjack |
Revenant's Launcher | urbazooka |
Acid Spitter | uacid |
BFG 10K | ubfg10k |
Railgun | urailgun |
Malek's Armor | umarmor |
Cybernetic Armor | ucarmor |
Necroarmor | unarmor |
Medical Powerarmor | umedparmor |
Lava Armor | ulavaarmor |
Enviroboots | uenviroboots |
Shielded Armor | ushieldarmor |
Hellwave Pack | uhwpack |
Nano Pack | umod_nano |
Onyx Armor Pack | umod_onyx |
Berserker Armor | uberarmor |
Dragonslayer | udragon |
Angelic Armor | aarmor |
Longinus Spear | spear |
Azrael's Scythe | uscythe |
Arena Master's Staff | uarenastaff |
The Berserker Armor and Dragonslayer are not loaded in custom modules.
Natural enemy weapons (such as the imp's fireball or the mancubus's launcher) are autogenerated. If you want to use an natural weapon directly (for whatever reason) they are named "nat_" ..
Missiles | |
gun | |
chaingun | |
plasma | |
rocket | |
bazooka_alternative | |
explround | |
bfg | |
bfgover | |
blaster | |
knife_thrown |
Shotgun Missiles | |
normal | |
wide | |
focused | |
splasma |
Autogenerated missiles have the same sID as the weapon they were assigned to.