House of Pain

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Game Data Strategy
House of Pain
Depth: 17 (Does not appear on ITYTD)
Entrance Text: You enter the House of Pain.

A deathly high-pitched voice cackles!: "Well, who do we have here? It seems that you've stumbled into my luxurious home. Would you care to have access?"

If the player declines:

"No? All right, I'll see you out then."

If the player accepts:

"Well then, enjoy yourself. Just be wary of my other guests!"

Reward Text: After killing all enemies in each room:

The voice wails: "I'm impressed! Why don't you come back to the first room and we'll see if I can't give you a just reward."

Exit Text: If the player exits after declining entry:

Better show myself out...

If player enters the house but doesn't finish off all enemies in the final battle:


If all enemies have been killed:

My house, my rules.

Monsters on ITYTD: N/A
Monsters on HNTR: First room: demon (x10), arachnotron (x4)

Second room: cacodemon (x4), hell knight (x4)

Third room: mancubus (x2), revenant (x2)

Final Battle: arch-vile (x2)

Monsters on HMP: First room: demon (x10), arachnotron (x4)

Second room: cacodemon (x4), baron of hell (x4)

Third room: mancubus (x3), revenant (x3), arch-vile (x1)

Final Battle: nightmare arch-vile (x1)

Monsters on UV: First room: demon (x6), arachnotron (x8)

Second room: nightmare cacodemon (x4), baron of hell (x4)

Third room: mancubus (x4), revenant (x4), arch-vile (x2)

Final Battle: nightmare arch-vile (x2)

Monsters on N!: First room: demon (x6), arachnotron (x4), nightmare arachnotron (x4)

Second room: nightmare cacodemon (x6), baron of hell (x6)

Third room: mancubus (x6), revenant (x6), arch-vile (x3)

Final Battle: nightmare arch-vile (x2), baron of hell (x4)

Rewards: Preset loot:

10mm ammo (8x24), shotgun shell (8x8), rocket (8x3), Power cell (8x20), 10mm ammo chain, Shell box, Rocket box, Power battery, Large Health Globe (x4)

Loot that spawns in the first room upon clearing out all three rooms:

An assortment of 15 random ranged weapons, armors, and boots

Description/tips: This level is paired with The Vaults. There is a random chance that the stairs to this level instead of to The Vaults will spawn on floor 17.

Upon entering this level, you'll be in a closed off room with only two tiles of space, and given the choice of if you want to enter. Declining the invitation will spawn the stairs next to you, where you'll then be able to do nothing but exit the level. Accepting the invitation will have the walls around you disappear, giving you access to the first room. There will be no stairs, and the doors out of this room are locked, while all the doors and walls are also indestructible, so you must fight your way out.

Killing all enemies in the first room will unlock the doors, and entering the second room will relock the doors while spawning more enemies. Killing these enemies will unlock the right doors to give you access to the third room, and entering this room will spawn another group of enemies. Once all enemies in all rooms are dead, all doors will unlock, while a batch of 15 randomized weapons/boots/armors and the stairs will spawn in the first room. When you reenter the first room, all doors will lock again and one final group of enemies will spawn. Also note that the enemies in the first room always have the same starting position, but enemies in the other rooms have their starting position randomized when spawned.

Phase devices, Homing phase devices, and the Hell Staff are disabled from working on this level, so you'll be unable to teleport to bypass the locked doors. Using the Arena Master's Staff on this level will permanently unlock all the doors, allowing you to freely move inbetween them, which you can utilize to backtrack to get more favorable positioning, ammo you left behind, or to use one of the Large Health Globes inbetween the rooms. Entering later rooms will still spawn their respective battles regardless of if you cleared out all prior rooms, and you still must kill all enemies in all rooms to spawn the reward, stairs, and final battle.

The random items are items that could normally drop on level 20, and the weapons are always ranged weapons. These items are five times as likely to be an Exotic or Unique.

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