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Armor is the last line of defense between you and anything that wants to kill you.

Primarily, armor is used as a way to prevent damage, which is represented by the following statistics:

  • Protection: This is the flat amount of damage that is absorbed by the armor. Typically, you subtract the protection value from damage taken and the difference is how much damage the player takes, although damage types can change this result; shrapnel damage will get doubly reduced by protection, while half of an armor's protection (rounded down) will get ignored by plasma damage.
  • Resistances: This is an additional percentage-based source of damage reduction an armor may have to certain damage types. When a resistance is applicable, it'll reduce the taken damage by the percentage amount of the resistance, with the result rounded to the nearest whole number. Resistances are additionally applied before protection in damage calculation.

There are separate resistances for torso and feet - body armors supply resistances for your torso and boots supply resistances for your feet. As with armor and boots protection, the respective resistances are only applied according to the source of damage - feet resistance is applied against hazardous terrain only, while torso resistances are applied against any other source of damage. There are several other non-armor sources of resistances, which will get stacked with both your body armor's and boots' resistances.

The other statistics armor have are:

  • Movespeed modifier: This is how much the armor affects your movespeed. It can be a positive number, meaning that you move faster while wearing the armor, or a negative number, meaning that you move slower instead.
  • Knockback modifier: This affects how much by which the player is knocked back from damage sources. It can be a positive number, meaning you will get knocked back farther than normal, or a negative number, meaning you will get knocked back less.

Similarly to player's health, armor and boots also have a Durability stat that is subject to damage taken. Durability is reduced by 1 for each 1 HP of damage the player takes, after the armor's/boots' resistances and protection are applied (i.e. the durability loss is not dependent upon the damage the armor or boots prevent). The durability loss may differ depending on the damage type however; if the damage type is acid, then the durability loss is doubled; if the damage type is shrapnel, protection's double reduction on shrapnel is applied after damage calculation is applied to your armor's durability (e.g. if you get hit by a Former sergeant's Shotgun blast that rolls 10 damage while you're wearing Blue armor with 2 protection, the armor's durability takes 8 points of damage and the doubled protection reduction is then applied to make the player's HP take 6 points of damage); if the damage type is plasma, protection's halved reduction on plasma is applied after damage calculation is applied to your armor's durability (e.g. if you get hit by a Cacodemon's plasma ball that rolls 8 damage while you're wearing Red armor with 4 protection, the armor's durability takes 4 points of damage and the halved protection is then applied to make the player's HP take 6 points of damage). Also note that if the player has any levels in Tough as Nails, its protection is applied separately afterward from armor's protection in damage calculation, and so it will not reduce the damage your armor's durability takes (e.g. if the player has 2 levels in TaN and is wearing Red Armor while taking a hit that rolls 10 damage, the Red Armor is applied first and takes 6 points of damage to its durability, then TaN is applied and the player's HP takes 4 points of damage).

When armor is damaged enough, it starts to become less effective:

  • When durability drops below 50%, the armor/boots enters a damaged state, which will have its protection and all resistances cut in half and rounded down. However, if the armor's/boots' original protection was at least 1, it will not be reduced below 1 (so even Green armor will retain 1 point of protection). Damaged items are displayed in yellow text.
  • When durability drops below 25%, the armor/boots is severely damaged, and its protection and all resistances are all quartered and rounded down. Protection still cannot be reduced below 1 however, as long as the armor/boots originally had at least 1 protection. Severely damaged items are displayed in red text.
  • When durability drops to 0%, the armor/boots are destroyed and disappear from your equipment slot, leaving it empty. In the case of unique and certain assembled armors and boots that cannot be destroyed, their protection and resistances all drop to 0 until they are repaired.
  • Movespeed and knockback modifiers are not affected by low durability.

Armors with maximum durability higher than 100% (as in the case of any armor/boots modded with a Bulk mod) do not become damaged when their durability drops to one half of their maximum durability, rather they still retain full effectiveness until their durability drops below 50%. Also note that certain armors, namely Shields, do not lose any effectiveness when they enter a damaged state, retaining their full protection and resistances until they are destroyed.

Durability can be restored primarily by Armor shards, armor-repairing levers, or a Megasphere (which restores all durability), as well as regenerate after a certain amount of time has passed if the armor/boots is modded with a Nano mod or if they inherently possess a regeneration ability. Certain armors, namely the aforementioned Shields, cannot be repaired without the use of a Megasphere. When a damaged armor's/boots' durability is repaired back to over 49%, its protection and resistances will be fully restored (or if a severely damaged armor's/boot's is repaired back over 24% but not above 49%, its protection and resistances will be restored back to a half-damaged state). Some armors and boots, as well as any modded by an Onyx mod, do not have a durability stat, and so they cannot ever be damaged nor destroyed (on a technical level, their durability is just hidden from view and their durability is excluded from damage calculation, which effectively works as infinite durability, but certain edge cases that deplete durability through non-damaging means can still deplete the armor's hidden durability, such as an Onyx-modded Medical armor still depleting its hidden durability to recover the player's health).


Body Armor

Wearing body armor provides protection against most sources of damage: enemy attacks, and splash damage from explosions, both enemies' and the player's explosions. Note that body armor has no effect on damage from hazardous terrain.




Foot Armor (Boots)

Wearing boots provides protection against only hazardous terrain.




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