The Lava Pits

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Game Data Strategy
The Lava Pits
Depth: 22
Entrance Text: Dammit, it's hot in here!
Reward Text: After killing the initial monsters:

That seems to be all of them... Still! Something is moving there, or is it lava glow?

After killing the lava elemental:

Tough son of a bitch... now to get that shiny object he left behind...

Exit Text: Leaving before the Lava elemental is spawned:

Too hot dammit, I'm leaving this party...

If the Lava elemental spawned and the player did not kill it:

There goes my least I'm still alive.

If all enemies and the Lava elemental is dead:

Lava elementals my ass. I don't care.

Monsters on ITYTD: lost soul (x22), former sergeant (x9)
Monsters on HNTR: lost soul (x18), cacodemon (x7), hell knight (x9)
Monsters on HMP: lost soul (x20), cacodemon (x8), mancubus (x9)
Monsters on UV: lost soul (x22), pain elemental (x9), revenant (x9)
Monsters on N!: lost soul (x24), pain elemental (x10), revenant (x9)
Rewards: rocket (4x3), power cell (4x20), envirosuit pack (x0-3, dependent on difficulty), random armors and boots (x10)
Description/tips: This level is paired with Mt. Erebus.

Killing all enemies will spawn a Lava elemental, killing which drops a Lava element. The random items are armors and boots that can normally drop on level 25. These armors and boots are five times as likely to be an Exotic or Unique, and there's additionally a three times increased chance that the Lava Armor will be one of them if the player hasn't found it prior.

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