DRL released!

28 February 2012

This release may be the most important release yet — for finally after many years, the awesome tiles of Derek Yu are in the game… This moment marks the first public GRAPHICAL release!

To make better use of the graphics, the interface has been upgraded, and mouse support has been introduced. The interface has been streamlined in many places, and will be streamlined even more in the near future.

To celebrate the graphical release, DRL has also received a significant upgrade in the Audio department, with a MP3 music soundtrack consisting of Sonic Clang’s Classic Doom renditions as well as Simon Volperts DRL tracks in MP3 quality. Sound effects have been substituted with high quality versions created by Per Kristian Risvik.

Additionally several balance changes and important fixes have been made.

Grab it while it’s hot in the downloads section!

Screenshots and YouTube Video is available!

However, before you do, please take a moment and Like! our official ChaosForge Facebook Page and/or ChaosForge Google+ Page , and if you didn’t before, follow ChaosForge on Twitter to stay fully informed of the next release!

Downloads for Windows, Linux (both 32 and 64 bit) and 64 bit MacOS X are provided (the last one should be still considered a bit unstable — read below). The game executables are universal in the sense that you can run graphical, console, sound or no sound using the same files — for example on Linux the SDL libraries are not needed if running in console/nosound.

Download the new version to jump into the fun or join us on IRC ( #chaosforge on QuakeNet ) to celebrate, or read below for the full changelog!

Keep your eyes open also for a new version of every ChaosForge roguelike — while there have been no official releases, a lot of work went into AliensRL, DiabloRL and Berserk!. Each of them will have a breakthrough release in the first half of this year — no one shall be left behind! Don’t be surprised if some of them become graphical too!

Read more for release notes and changelog…

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Note about the Mac OS X version — coding for this platform is still relatively new for me, so this time the release requires some degree of manual installation. You can only reliably run it from the terminal, and need to manually unpack it to some folder. You’ll also need to install SDL bundles — SDL , SDL_image , and SDL_mixer — if you have any problem installing, feel free to ask at the forums!

Note about the Linux versions — you’ll need SDL, SDL_mixer, SDL_image and libpng installed, and smpeg if you want to use the HQ versions. On some linux distro’s mp3 support is not enabled in SDL_mixer — a workaround has been posted on the forum .

Full changelist follows…

DRL v.
[new] — TR#249: Universal executable — runs with different sound engines, or tiles vs console without loading libraries it doesn’t need
[new] — TR#260: G-version – fullscreen support (ALT-Enter or Ctrl-F12)!
[new] — TR#274: G-version – fullscreen resolution autodetection and startup query
[new] — TR#264: G-version – different floors and doors for Hell
[new] — TR#263: G-version – liquid edges unblockified and animated
[new] — TR#261: G-version – full mouse support (smart LMB/RMB on map, menus and mousescroll)!
[new] — TR#259: G-version – Variable resolution and x2 mode for text and sprites!
[new] — TR#278: G-version – minimap added and grid overlay (SPACE)
[new] — TR#—-: G-version – Epic background and logo by Derek Yu!
[new] — TR#249: Graphics and SoundEngine in config.lua
[new] — TR#249: -graphics, -console, -nosound and -fullscreen command line override options
[new] — TR#—-: hint system serving as a crude tutorial
[new] — TR#—-: all menus/screen rewritten/redesigned
[new] — TR#—-: new keybinding system – you can bind any key, and any CTRL/SHIFT/ALT combination but the syntax is different
[new] — TR#—-: anytime screenshot possible (hardcoded for F10/F9), also in graphics
[mod] — TR#240: recharge mechanic revamp. (tehtmi, game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#246: lots and lots of assembly changes (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#293: resistances now degrade with durability (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: configuration entries are optional, defaults will be used if not present
[mod] — TR#—-: FRONTAL option removed – all games start frontal
[mod] — TR#—-: Shottyman pulls from equipped ammo pack when no ammo is in inventory. (tehtmi)
[mod] — TR#—-: two equipped pistols can be quickswapped with Dualgunner.
[mod] — TR#—-: level 24 experience requirement dropped to be more in line. (25 unchanged) (tehtmi)
[mod] — TR#—-: Mastermind melee damage increased (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: Badass changed to two-level trait. (tehtmi, game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: the player now has the customary grace period upon enter level 1. (tehtmi)
[mod] — TR#—-: different barrel types accept differnt sound bindings. (tehtmi)
[mod] — TR#—-: weapons that don’t use ammo don’t display it, can’t be unloaded, etc. (tehtmi)
[mod] — TR#—-: added dodgebonus being property and dodgemod item property (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: added IF_FARHIT (attack ignores dinstance penalty) (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: added IF_UNSEENHIT (attack ignoares visibility penalty) (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: sniper weapon pack grants IF_FARHIT/IF_UNSEENHIT for 1/2 mods added to weapon (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: blue armor gives 20% plasma resistance instead of fire (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: all mod packs are now exotic, have higher weights, and uniquely colored (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: Vampyre gives scaling amount of HP (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#270: a lot better and readable crash handling
[mod] — TR#271: SaveOnCrash now in config.lua, may be turned off
[fix] — TR#151: trait screen escape fixed
[fix] — TR#—-: message coloring doesn’t break on newline
[fix] — TR#—-: combat pistol has dualreload. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: tactical and assault shotties only get single reload with shottyman. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: teleboss AI bug fixed. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: full inventory AI bug fixed. (game_hunter)
[fix] — TR#—-: Ao100 level 100 fix. (game_hunter)
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed minor issue with target line coloring. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: grammaton Cleric Cross fixed to work with new mastermind. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: JC AI bug fixed. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed chainfiring on Tower of Babel. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed large health globe on Angel of Berserk. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed scout’s stair sense briefly showing stairs in a certain unintended case. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: barrels can once again be pushed into acid & lava (though it isn’t advised). (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: teleboss_ai attack fix (game_hunter)
[fix] — TR#—-: enemy pursuing AI fix (game_hunter)
[fix] — TR#168: proper error messages if missing files
[fix] — TR#—-: no more cannot resume dead coroutine on program error
[fix] — TR#265: error and assert can be normally used in modules
[fix] — TR#105: DRL will give now a meaningfull error if console is too small
[fix] — TR#—-: error reports will properly report params passed
[fix] — TR#—-: Linux 64 and Mac OS X player.wad fix


  1. Arteveld · 28 February 2012, 22:50

    And here we go! The first of great game releases of 2012 [at least for me].;P
    Thank You, Kornel & Derek!:D
    Any chance of getting that new logo turned into a wallpaper?;)

  2. Ghost · 28 February 2012, 23:07

    I checked your page yesterday and thought, hey, maybe first week of March or something… but heck, here it is! And it’s GREAT! Runs pretty smooth, and no more squinting at light gray/dark gray ammo characters! Wheee!

  3. karry · 28 February 2012, 23:26

    Its one thing when its ascii, but now…after that notch debacle – i’m surprised bethesda havent sued you already.

  4. scorn · 29 February 2012, 01:07

    Yeah, ascii was good old-scool. But anyways, now, that the gfx have arrived, I think it would be substantial to impart a few tons of gore components (there’s never too much of that) ;> Good work guys!

  5. Jack Dandy · 29 February 2012, 01:13

    This is amazing. Waited a long time for this. It’s everything I hoped for, and more. Sent 10 bux your way.

    A little question, though- is there a way to switch to the “classic” soundtrack?

  6. Kornel · 29 February 2012, 01:23

    Arteveld, a wallpaper will be available some time later :)

    Jack Dandy, thank you! The classic soundtrack is the Low Quality version on the download page.

  7. Sparrow · 29 February 2012, 10:03

    Is the ASCII still available? I prefer my imagination over graphics in roguelikes.

  8. Ghost · 29 February 2012, 10:26

    Yes, the new exe can be run in both ASCII and tiled graphics mode. There’s a switch command in the config.lua, but startup parameters can also be used. Still, I think I will never look back now that there are tiles. So nifty, neat-o, crispy tiles… drool

  9. Daniel · 29 February 2012, 20:28

    Amazing! Amazing! AMAZING!!!
    Great work! Thank you very much!

  10. ThisCakeisGreat · 1 March 2012, 02:43

    I posted a short blurb/review here

    To sum up this release is “best described as a Doom inspired wet dream bathed in the blood of demon corpses.” and “stop reading this article right now and go check it out at the official DRL website before they run out of bandwidth! “

  11. ThisCakeisGreat · 1 March 2012, 05:37

    Oh btw, do you plan to add the sprite/pics to the DRL wiki? Unless, I’m mistaken they appear to be packed with the exe.

  12. ZiGZ · 1 March 2012, 05:52

    When I first heard about DRL I was skeptical. But after playing it and watching how far its come I’m glad this concept received such polish and dedication.
    It really shows just how versatile the genre is. Great Work!

  13. Perma_Hexx · 1 March 2012, 19:34

    Norton flagged the file as unsafe and deleted. What going on?

  14. DemonHunt · 1 March 2012, 20:36

    Excellent job, Kornel and Derek! Hope it will earn new grounds for this game!

  15. Iskhiaro · 2 March 2012, 16:05

    Getting interrupted download constantly, any suggestions?

  16. bunz0u · 2 March 2012, 16:08

    Great Game!

  17. Iskhiaro · 2 March 2012, 16:19

    Never mind my above statement, fixed it by just using firefox for the download instead of chrome. Not sure why it happened, but that’s a fix if anyone elseis having the same problem with chrome.

  18. Remington · 3 March 2012, 03:09

    Thank you for working on this great game. I have been playing it on and off for the last 8 years. Thank you for the very enjoyable hours!

  19. Tiago Ruback · 4 March 2012, 15:57

    Thanks for the game, man! That’s fucking awesome! I was waiting for this release for months. Keep the good work! DRL is the best coffeebreak roguelike ever! A BRAVO from a brazilian fan!

  20. El Observador Independiente · 6 March 2012, 15:08

    It’s rather unbelievable! Great thanks from Russia.

    But I can’t find the InvMenuStyle option in config anymore. The ‘CHOICE’ mode saved me many times from accidental use of a medpack.

  21. roguebase.net · 5 April 2012, 02:19

    Hey, I added this site to the www.roguebase.net news parser.