Abyssal Plains
Entrance Text:
Well isn't this... just... dandy.
Reward Text:
Exit Text:
Monsters on ITYTD:
imp (x17), lost soul (x11), cacodemon (x5), pain elemental, Agony elemental
Monsters on HNTR:
imp (x8), lost soul (x13), cacodemon (x8), hell knight (x6), pain elemental, Agony elemental
Monsters on HMP:
lost soul (x17), cacodemon (x3), hell knight (x14), arachnotron (x5), pain elemental (x4), Agony elemental
Monsters on UV:
lost soul (x15), cacodemon (x3), hell knight (x14), arachnotron (x5), pain elemental (x6), Agony elemental
Monsters on N!:
nightmare imp (x8), lost soul (x7), cacodemon (x3), hell knight (x6), arachnotron (x5), pain elemental (x14), Agony elemental
Small Health Globe (x4), large med-pack, shotgun shell (8x3), 10mm ammo (24x3), ammochain, shell box, rocket box, shotgun, chaingun, missile launcher, Supercharge Globe
The agony elemental drops three random skulls upon death.
Entering the center room will cause walls to pop up on either side of you, trapping you in with the agony elemental. The walls will vanish after 40 seconds. This level is paired with City of Skulls.