Strategy:Game Settings

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Game Data Strategy

Angel of Max Carnage

AoMC is infamous for being considered easier than the main game by players; while it seems like you will die really easily with enemies not missing you without Dodgemaster and always dealing maximum damage, the player can utterly abuse the max accuracy and damage to destroy enemies before they even get a chance.

The ideal build for this challenge is a rapid fire build; these weapons are mainly held back by their abysmal accuracy and unreliable damage output without significant trait investment, but in AoMC, these weaknesses no longer apply. And among the rapid fire options, the ideal class is the Scout with Cateye. With a Scout, you can immediately get Intuition, so you can get Intuition 2 as soon as dlevel 2, allowing you to see enemy locations outside your sight, where you can then fire at them (with the accuracy of AoMC mitigating the out-of-sight accuracy penalty) and kill them easily before they can see you. Intuition additionally builds to Cateye, so you won't be delaying getting it by going for Intuition right away. And then once you have Cateye, you pretty much won the game; Intuition 2 stacks on top of the +2 to your vision from Cateye, so you'll be able to see enemy locations from 5 or more spaces outside their vision, meaning you should be able to kill everything before they ever get a chance to see you. When it comes to additional traits after Cateye, you should take the second level of Triggerhappy and definitely get Finesse twice to farther improve your ability to kill enemies before they can react. Whizkid after that is also a good idea as assemblies and mods will add additionally improved firepower among other benefits. And then Hellrunner will be a decent pick to help you stay out of enemy sight or escape beginning situations that have you surrounded, though being able to move faster won't help that much most of the time when you're able to kill everything outside their sight, so you might want to go for improving Finesse and Son of a Bitch farther instead.

Counter-intuitively to a challenge designed to have everything hit so hard and accurately, this ability to kill enemies so easily before they can see the player makes AoMC ideal for getting the Untouchable Badge, Medal, and Cross, as well as for any of the other medals and badges that require you beat something without taking damage. There's also a few badges that requires you to beat AoMC on certain difficulty levels with one of the Untouchable medals, which should be among the easier badges to get among their class.

When it comes to the special levels, all of them should be easier than usual and no problem to complete, making a Conqueror run simple. Phobos Anomaly might be tricky with its ambush where the Cacodemons and Imps will be super accurate, so you would want to carry a Phase device with you to get out of there. City of Skulls could be tricky too with its beginning ambush, so you'll probably want to keep a Combat shotgun or Tactical shotgun handy, as well as use a Phase device again. Unholy Cathedral seems like it would be a stumbling block since you almost certainly won't be investing in melee traits in AoMC (Cateye itself blocks Brute and by extension Berserker), but Unholy Cathedral is significantly more doable without melee traits than in the main game. With a Piercing Chainsaw, you'll be dealing at least 28 damage to everything without Brute investment, which will one shot all the Lost souls and Demons on the level, and you won't have to worry about misses either without Brute when you have the accuracy modifier of AoMC. Then with the Angel of Death, his damage output doesn't really change from the main game, his hits will just do 1-2 more damage than usual, while you're now able to do 28+ damage with every hit. Using a Hatred skull on the Demon corpses will make the Angel of Death a freebie, but without going berserk, you should be able to beat the Angel of Death with no more than a few Large medkits, provided you wear an armor with decent melee resistance. You should probably skip the Unholy Cathedral however if you're actively going for one of the Untouchable medals or a badge that requires one due to unavoidable damage, unless you can nuke the level. Omega Tyrant (talk) 09:23, 11 April 2017 (UTC)