Jupiter Hell, spiritual successor to DRL is now on Steam Early Access!

5 August 2019

ChaosForge is extremely happy that Jupiter Hell, the spiritual successor and unofficial DRL sequel is out on Steam Early Access! Get it here and support its development:

Jupiter Hell on Steam Early Access!

Still random, still turn-based, still grid-based but with a modern coat of paint and lacking a certain IP :P.

Posted 1818 days ago by Kornel Kisielewicz · Comment [6]

Jupiter Hell, spiritual successor to DRL is launching in Early Access August 1st!

29 July 2019

See the launch trailer HERE !

Posted 1824 days ago by Kornel Kisielewicz · Comment [1]

Jupiter Hell - DRL Spiritual Successor Kickstarter is LIVE!

17 November 2016

Jupiter Hell , the spiritual successor to DRL has launched on Kickstarter NOW!. Please check out the pitch video, and help us out!


Posted 2809 days ago by Kornel Kisielewicz · Comment [1]

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