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Revision as of 00:28, 23 July 2011 by Game Hunter (Talk | contribs)

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Appearance: V
Health: 70
Armor: 2
Accuracy: +2 melee, N/A ranged (see below)
Melee Damage: 1d3+6 = 7-9 = 8 avg
Projectile Damage: 11d1 = 11 always; plasma damage, radius 1
Speed: 160%
Standard Depth: 16+
Experience Value: 608
Inventory: None
AI habits: Uses items: No
Uses doors: Yes
Attack %: 50
Special abilities: Ranged attack is instant: it always hits its target tile and has no projectile. Resurrects dead monsters (25% chance per action).
Ingame description: The worst thing you could encounter. Whether it's demonic magic, or something you can't grasp, these guys attack you with hellish flames, and are able to retrieve the enemies you've worked so hard to banish!
Comments/special: Avoids player as much as possible, but will use its melee attack when in range.
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