Abyssal Plains

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Revision as of 12:45, 26 March 2013 by Radagast (Talk | contribs)

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Game Data Strategy
Abyssal Plains
Depth: 12
Entrance Text: Well isn't this just... dandy.
Reward Text:
Exit Text:
Monsters on ITYTD:
Monsters on HNTR: Agony elemental, many lost souls and pain elementals, barons, hell knights and arachnotrons.
Monsters on HMP: Agony elemental, many lost souls and pain elementals, barons, hell knights and arachnotrons.
Monsters on UV:
Monsters on N!:
Rewards: The agony elemental drops three random skulls upon death.
Description/tips: Entering the centre room will cause walls to pop up on either side of you, trapping you in with the agony elemental. Killing everything in the centre room drops these walls. Paired with City of Skulls.