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Revision as of 05:43, 7 August 2024 by Omega Tyrant (Talk | contribs)

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Game Data Strategy
Appearance: R
Health: 30
Armor: 2
Accuracy: +4 melee, +4 ranged
Melee Damage: 1d3+6 = 7-9 = 8 avg
Projectile Damage: 5d5 = 5-25 = 15 avg: fire damage, radius 1
Speed: 120%
Standard Depth: 13+
Experience Value: 452
Inventory: Rocket (x3)
AI habits: Uses items: No
Uses doors: Yes
Attack %: 50%
Special abilities: Its projectile targets the tile the player was on. Has 50% bullet and 25% fire resistance.
Ingame description: Apparently when a demon dies, they pick him up, dust him off, wire him some combat gear, and send him back into battle. No rest for the wicked, eh? You wish your missiles did what his can do.
Comments/special: Since its projectile explodes on the targeted tile, it is normally unavoidable, as even if the player executes a successful dodge, they'll be hit by the splash radius as the projectile explodes on the adjacent tile they were previously on. However, if there is an obstacle or other enemy in the trajectory of the Revenant's rocket, it will explode on that object/enemy instead. Additionally, if the player can move more than one tile in a single action (such as from rocket jumping or a Phase device), the player can avoid the splash radius as the Revenant still targets the previous tile they were on.
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