Nightmare arachnotron

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Revision as of 03:28, 7 August 2024 by Omega Tyrant (Talk | contribs)

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Game Data Strategy
Nightmare arachnotron
Appearance: A
Health: 80
Armor: 2
Accuracy: +4 melee, +4 ranged
Melee Damage: 1d3+3 = 4-6 = 5 avg
Projectile Damage: (1d6)x6 = 6-36 = 21 avg: plasma damage
Speed: 150%
Standard Depth: 50+
Experience Value: 452
Inventory: Power cell (x20)
AI habits: Uses items: No
Uses doors: No
Attack %: 60%
Special abilities: Takes no damage from fluids.
Ingame description: Pure nightmare spiders. You'd wish they weren't there...
Comments/special: Will run through any fluid to reach the player. Shortly after firing a volley of 6 shots, it will fire a second volley of 6 shots, regardless of if the player is in melee range or out of the Nightmare Arachnotron's vision (where it'll then fire towards where it last saw the player). This second fire can be interrupted by damaging it inbetween its actions however.
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