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Revision as of 00:42, 7 August 2024 by Omega Tyrant (Talk | contribs)

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Game Data Strategy
Mother-In-Law - Explosive Family
Damage: 6d9/6-54, radius 6
Average Damage: 30
Damage Type: Fire
Accuracy: +4
Base Fire Time: 1.0 second
Base Reload Time: N/A
Clip Size: 1
Ammunition: N/A
Alternate Fire: Rocket jump
Alternate Reload: None
How to get it: Assembly: rocket launcher + PPFN
Quote on pickup: N/A
Appearance: }
Ingame Description: "Simon-v's legendary rocket launcher."
Comments/special: Never needs reloading, doesn't consume ammo.
Source: From this 100% Angel of 100 clear by Simon Volpert on version, where he utilized an infinite firing Rocker launcher buffed by a Firestorm mod and three Power mods to eradicate everything, which was dubbed the "Mother-In-Law".
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