Strategy:Envirosuit pack

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Game Data Strategy

This item simply gives 70 actions of the Envirosuit effect when used, which makes you temporarily immune to damaging fluids. There's not much strategy to utilizing that aspect of this item, and whether to carry radsuits with you or not depends on if fluids are enough of a concern to sacrifice the inventory space for it, or if you otherwise are gonna need them for an upcoming special level (mainly The Lava Pits or Mt. Erebus). However there are two other utilities of the Envirosuit effect that players may not be aware of.

The first additional utility is that when under Envirosuit, the player gets a temporary inherent +25% resistance to fire and acid damage, which stacks with the resistances of their armor. When having to slug it out with troublesome Barons and VMR, popping a radsuit will substantially lower their damage output (saving you 3 to 6 damage per hit on average against these enemies), which could be the difference with keeping you alive or at least save you from expending a medkit or other healing item. This is also useful for making the fights against the Bruiser brothers in Phobos Anomaly and Cyberdemon in Tower of Babel easier, and so if you're concerned about your build's ability to defeat them, it's not a bad idea to carry a radsuit with you into these boss levels. If you didn't skip Phobos Lab and Military Base, those special levels have guaranteed radsuits right before Phobos Anomaly, so you can always bring one into Phobos Anomaly without having it clog your inventory for multiple floors. Even if you would have no problem beating the Bruiser Brothers and then using one of the Large Health Globes there to fully heal any damage they deal, I would recommend bringing a radsuit from Phobos Lab/Military Base into Phobos Anomaly still, if just to limit the beating your armor takes when Bruisers' acid balls deal so much damage to armor, and when it'll be unlikely you need absolutely every inventory slot for other items at this point of the game.

The other utility is when you're in a deadly air level event, Envirosuit will prevent you from being damaged by the deadly air during the duration of the effect. This isn't too significant of a utility to be worth carrying a radsuit with you over when these events are uncommon and not too difficult to manage without, but if you happen to have one that you're not explicitly saving for a later special level when encountering a deadly air event or you find any radsuits on the floor with this event, be sure to take advantage of it to reduce the damage you take on the floor.

For one last note, when coming across all those radsuits that you'll inevitably not want to stash in your inventory, don't let them go to waste! Even if you have no immediate use for them on the floor you find them on, upon clearing the floor, you can use them up before entering the next floor to enter the next floor with the Envirosuit effect active, which can be handy if the level starts you in a room with Barons and VMR, and/or starts you near damaging fluids. If you do this, remember to move and drop the radsuits next to the stairs before using them, so you can take as much of the Envirosuit duration with you into the next floor; you don't want to use a radsuit and then waste most of it just getting back to the stairs. Omega Tyrant (talk) 03:03, 26 July 2024 (UTC)

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