Elite former sergeant

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Game Data Strategy
Elite former sergeant
Appearance: h
Health: 25
Armor: 2 (+1 from equipped green armor, total 3)
Accuracy: +0 melee, +0 ranged
Melee Damage: 1d3+5 = 6-8 = 7 avg
Projectile Damage: Attacks with an assault shotgun: 7d3 = 7-21 = 14 avg


Attacks with a plasma shotgun: 7d3 = 7-21 = 14 avg


Attacks with a super shotgun: (8d4)x2 = 16-64 = 40 avg

Speed: 100%
Standard Depth: 60-90
Experience Value: 212
Inventory: Assault Shotgun/Super Shotgun: shotgun shell (x60), green armor (equipped)

Plasma Shotgun: power cell (x60), green armor (equipped)

AI habits: Uses items: Yes
Uses doors: Yes
Attack %: 75
Special abilities: N/A
Ingame description: These are the elite among the former sergeants. And they carry firepower to boot! Too bad their weapons are set to self-destruct on death.
Comments/special: 15% bullet and shrapnel resist from green armor.

Weapon is picked randomly for each elite former sergeant.

Elite formers never drop their weapon, and they leave no corpse upon death.

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