Modding:generator API (

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The generator holds all of the ever-present functions used to create the random maps in DoomRL. It also contains a variety of helper functions, many of them useful if not vital to the creation of intricate and meticulous game design.



Please note that the type "integer" indicates an numeric value without a decimal part. It does not indicate the range of acceptable values.

The argument type "CellID" may be the numeric or string ID of a cell.

The argument type "CellSet" may be the numeric ID, string ID, or a list of numeric and/or string IDs.

The argument type "Flags" expects a list of flag constants of the indicated type.

An argument name in [square brackets] is an optional one. The function description will indicate how the function operates if it is omitted.

Generator API Function List

Generator Interface - Functions
Basic Cell Handling Functions
integer generator.get_cell(Coord loc)
string generator.get_cell_id(Coord loc)
integer generator.fast_get_cell(integer x, integer y)
void generator.set_cell(Coord loc, CellID what)
void generator.fast_set_cell(integer x, integer y, integer what)
Map Checking Functions
integer generator.around(Coord where, CellSet what)
integer generator.cross_around(Coord where, CellSet what)
boolean generator.is_empty(Coord where, Flags reqs)
boolean generator.is_empty_area(Area where, Flags reqs)
boolean generator.scan(Area where, CellID good)
Map Searching Functions
Coord generator.drop_coord(Coord where, Flags reqs)
Coord generator.find_coord(CellSet what, Area [where])
Coord generator.random_coord(Area [where])
Coord generator.find_random_coord(CellSet what, Area [where])
Coord generator.find_empty_coord(CellSet what, Flags reqs, Area [where])
Coord generator.random_empty_coord(Flags reqs, Area [where])
Coord generator.find_random_empty_coord(CellSet what, Flags reqs, Area [where])
Coord generator.safe_empty_coord(Area [where])
Coord generator.standard_empty_coord()
Advanced Cell Handling Functions
void generator.fill(CellID what, Area [where])
void generator.fill_pattern(Area where, boolean horiz, Table line1, Table [line2])
void generator.fill_edges(CellID what)
Table generator.each(CellID what, Area [where])
void generator.set_blood(Area [where], boolean [value], CellID [what])
void generator.set_permanence(Area [where], boolean [value], CellID [what])
Table generator.cell_set(CellSet cells)
void generator.restore_walls(CellID wallCell, boolean keepFluids)
void generator.plot_line(Coord where, boolean horiz, CellID cell, CellSet block)
void generator.plot_lines(Coord where, Area larea, boolean horiz, CellID cell, CellSet block)
void generator.scatter(Area where, CellID good, CellID fill, integer count)
void generator.scatter_blood(Area where, CellID [good], integer count)
void generator.scatter_put(Area where, Table translation, string tile, CellID good, integer count)
void generator.transmute(CellID to, CellSet from, Area [where])
void generator.transmute_marker(Flag marker, CellID To, Area [where])
Tile Handling Functions
Table generator.create_translation(Table code)
Tile generator.tile_new(string map, Table translation)
void generator.tile_place(Coord where, Tile what)
void generator.place_tile(Table translation, string tile, integer x, integer y)
void generator.place_dungen_tile(Table code, Tile tile, Coord where)
void generator.place_symmetry_quad(string tile, Table translation)
void generator.place_proto_map(Coord where, string proto_map, string proto_key, Table code)
Room Handling Functions
void generator.add_room(Area room, string [class])
void generator.add_rooms()
Room generator.get_room(integer min_size, integer max_x, integer max_y, integer max_area, string [class])
integer, integer generator.get_endpoints(Coord where, boolean horiz, CellSet what)
void generator.handle_rooms(integer count, boolean no_monsters)
Generation Algorithm Functions
void generator.run_drunkard_walk(Area where, Coord start, integer steps, CellID fill, CellSet [ignore], boolean [stop_at_edge])
void generator.drunkard_walks(integer amount, integer steps, CellID fill, CellSet [ignore], boolean [stop_at_edge], Area [where])
void generator.contd_drunkard_walks(integer amount, integer steps, CellID fill, CellSet edges1, CellSet edges2, CellSet [ignore], boolean [stop_at_edge])
void generator.warehouse_fill(CellSet fill, Area where, integer size, integer count, integer special_chance, CellSet special)
void generator.place_blob(Coord start, integer size, CellID cell)
Generator Helper Functions
<value>, <value> generator.roll_pair(Table list)
integer generator.being_weight()
integer generator.item_amount()
void generator.horiz_river(CellID cell, integer width, boolean [bridge])
void generator.vert_river(CellID cell, integer width, boolean bridge, integer position)

generator.vert_river(CellID cell, integer width, boolean bridge, Coord position)

void generator.generate_rivers(boolean allow_horiz, boolean allow_more)
void generator.generate_fluids(Area [where])
void generator.generate_barrels()
void generator.generate_stairs()
void generator.generate_special_stairs()
void generator.place_player()
void gen)
void generator.reset()
Dungeon Generation Functions
void generator.generate_tiled()
void generator.maze_dungeon(CellID floor, CellID wall, integer granularity, integer tries, integer min_size, integer max_size)
void generator.generate_caves_dungeon()
void generator.generate_caves_2_dungeon()
void generator.generate_lava_dungeon()
Event Handler Functions
void generator.roll_event()
void generator.setup_flood_event(integer direction, integer step, CellID cell)
void generator.setup_deadly_air_event(integer step)
void generator.setup_explosion_event(integer step, integer size, integer dice, integer [content])

generator.setup_explosion_event(integer step, Table size, integer dice, integer [content])

void generator.setup_targeted_event(integer step)

Basic Cell Handling Functions

generator.get_cell(Coord loc) → integer

Gets the Numeric ID (NID) of the cell at a given map position.

loc: The coordinates of the cell to get.
Returns: The NID of the cell.

generator.get_cell_id(Coord loc) → string

Gets the ID of the cell at a given map position.

loc: The coordinates of the cell to get.
Returns: The string ID of the cell.

generator.fast_get_cell(integer x, integer y) → integer

Gets the Numeric ID (NID) of the cell at a given map position.

x: The X position of the cell to get.
y: The Y position of the cell to get.
Returns: The NID of the cell.

generator.set_cell(Coord loc, CellID what)

Assigns a cell to a map position.

loc: The coordinates of the position to set.
what: The ID of the cell to assign to the position.

generator.fast_set_cell(integer x, integer y, integer what)

Assigns a cell to a map position.

x: The X position of the cell to set.
y: The Y position of the cell to set.
what: The NID (string IDs not allowed) of the cell to assign to the position.

Map Checking Functions

generator.around(Coord where, CellSet what) → integer

Checks the positions adjacent to a location (including diagonally adjacent) and returns the number of cells that match one of the indicated cell IDs.

where: The coordinate to check around. The coordinate sent in this way is not checked, only adjacent cells are.
what: The cell(s) to check for.
Returns: The number of cells (from 0 to 8) that matched one of the what cell IDs.

generator.cross_around(Coord where, CellSet what) → integer

Checks the positions adjacent to a location (but not diagonally adjacent) and returns the number of cells that match one of the indicated cell IDs.

where: The coordinates to check around. The coordinate sent in this way is not checked, only adjacent cells are.
what: The cell(s) to check for.
Returns: The number of cells (from 0 to 4) that matched one of the what cell IDs.

generator.is_empty(Coord where, Flags reqs) → boolean

Checks to see if the indicated cell is "empty", defining "empty" based on a list of criteria.

where: The position to check.
reqs: A list of EmptyFlags (named numeric constants that start with EF_) indicating which types of objects or properties the position cannot have. For example, if the flag EF_NOBEINGS is sent, the function only returns true if the map position does not contain a being. See Modding:Constants#Empty_Flags for more information.
Returns: True if the cell satisfies all of the conditions indicated in reqs, False otherwise.

generator.is_empty_area(Area where, Flags reqs) → boolean

Checks to see if the indicated area is "empty", defining "empty" based on a list of criteria.

where: The area to check.
reqs: A list of EmptyFlags (named numeric constants that start with EF_) indicating which types of objects or properties the area cannot have. For example, if the flag EF_NOBEINGS is sent, the function only returns true if the area does not contain a being. See Modding:Constants#Empty_Flags for more information.
Returns: True if every cell in the area satisfies all of the conditions indicated in reqs, False otherwise.

generator.scan(Area where, CellID good) → boolean

Checks to see if the entire area is filled with a certain cell.

where: The area to check.
good: The cell to look for.
Returns: True if all cells in the area are good, False otherwise.

Map Searching Functions

generator.drop_coord(Coord where, Flags reqs) → Coord

Finds the nearest "empty" coordinate to a given coordinate, defining "empty" based on a list of criteria.

where: The coordinate to try. If this coordinate is "empty", this coordinate will be returned.
reqs: A list of EmptyFlags (named numeric constants that start with EF_) indicating which types of objects or properties the coordinate cannot have. For example, if the flag EF_NOBEINGS is sent, the function only returns a coordinate that does not contain a being. See Modding:Constants#Empty_Flags for more information.
Returns: The nearest coordinate the satisfies the criteria. If the supplied coordinate meets the criteria, that coordinate will be returned. If not a nearby, random, coordinate will be checked.

generator.find_coord(CellSet what, Area [where]) → Coord

Searches the map for the first coordinate containing one of the indicated cell IDs.

what: The cell(s) to search for.
where: Optional. The area to restrict the search to. If omitted, the coordinate can be picked from anywhere on the map.
Returns: The coordinates of the first position that contains one of the what cell IDs. The map is checked row by row starting from the top, going from left to right across each row.

generator.random_coord(Area [where]) → Coord

Searches for a random coordinate within the specified area.

where: Optional. The area to restrict the coordinate to. If omitted, the coordinate can be picked from anywhere on the map.
Returns: A random coordinate.

generator.find_random_coord(CellSet what, Area [where]) → Coord

Searches for a random coordinate within the specified area that contains one of the specified cell IDs.

what: The cell(s) to search for.
where : Optional. The area to restrict the search to. If omitted, the coordinate can be picked from anywhere on the map.
Returns: A random coordinate that meets the supplied criteria.

generator.find_empty_coord(CellSet what, Flags reqs, Area [where]) → Coord

Searches the map for the first "empty" coordinate containing one of the indicated cell IDs, defining "empty" based on a list of criteria.

what: The cell(s) to search for.
reqs: A list of EmptyFlags (named numeric constants that start with EF_) indicating which types of objects or properties the coordinate cannot have. For example, if the flag EF_NOBEINGS is sent, the function only returns a coordinate that does not contain a being. See Modding:Constants#Empty_Flags for more information.
where: Optional. The area to restrict the search to. If omitted, the coordinate can be picked from anywhere on the map.
Returns: The coordinates of the first position that meets the supplied criteria. The map is checked row by row starting from the top, going from left to right across each row.

generator.random_empty_coord(Flags reqs, Area [where]) → Coord

Searches the map for a random coordinate that is "empty", defining "empty" based on a list of criteria.

reqs: A list of EmptyFlags (named numeric constants that start with EF_) indicating which types of objects or properties the random coordinate cannot have. For example, if the flag EF_NOBEINGS is sent, the function only returns a coordinate that does not contain a being. See Modding:Constants#Empty_Flags for more information.
where: Optional. The area to restrict the search to. If omitted, the coordinate can be picked from anywhere on the map.
Returns: A random coordinate that meets the supplied criteria.

generator.find_random_empty_coord(CellSet what, Flags reqs, Area [where]) → Coord

Searches the map for a random "empty" coordinate containing one of the indicated cell IDs, defining "empty" based on a list of criteria.

what: The cell(s) to search for.
reqs: A list of EmptyFlags (named numeric constants that start with EF_) indicating which types of objects or properties the random coordinate cannot have. For example, if the flag EF_NOBEINGS is sent, the function only returns a coordinate that does not contain a being. See Modding:Constants#Empty_Flags for more information.
where: Optional. The area to restrict the search to. If omitted, the coordinate can be picked from anywhere on the map.
Returns: A random coordinate that meets the supplied criteria.

generator.random_square(CellSet what) → Coord

Searches for a random 3x3 area containing only specified cells.

what: The cell(s) to search for.
Returns: The center coordinate of the random 3x3 area.

generator.safe_empty_coord(Area [where]) → Coord

Searches for a random coordinate that meets certain predetermined criteria.

The function will try to find a coordinate that does not contain a being, item, staircase, wall, harmful terrain, spawning restrictions (cells marked with LF_NOSPAWN), and is more than 5 spaces from the player (EF_NOBEINGS, EF_NOITEMS, EF_NOSTAIRS, EF_NOBLOCK, EF_NOHARM, EF_NOSPAWN, and EF_NOSAFE). If a valid space isn't found, the function will ignore distance from the player (EF_NOSAFE). If a valid space still can't be found, the function will ignore stairs and harmful terrain (EF_NOSTAIRS and EF_NOHARM).

where: Optional. The area to restrict the initial pass to. If a valid coordinate is not found within the area after ignoring stairs and harmful terrain, the search is restarted and expanded automatically to the entire map. If omitted, the entire map will be searched.
Returns: A random coordinate that meets the criteria.

generator.standard_empty_coord() → Coord

Searches for a random coordinate that meets certain predetermined criteria.

The function will search for a coordinate that does not contain a being, item, staircase, wall, harmful terrain, or spawning restrictions (EF_NOBEINGS, EF_NOITEMS, EF_NOSTAIRS, EF_NOBLOCK, EF_NOHARM, and EF_NOSPAWN).

Returns: A random coordinate that meets the criteria.

Advanced Cell Handling Functions

generator.fill(CellID what, Area [where])

Fills an area of the map with a given cell.

what: The cell to fill with.
where: Optional. The area to fill with the cell. If omitted, the entire map will be filled.

generator.fill_pattern(Area where, boolean horiz, string Table, line1 Table, )

Fills an area of the map with a pattern of cells.

where: The area to fill.
horiz: If True, the pattern will fill each row left to right, then move to the next row down in the area. If False, the pattern will fill each column top to bottom, then move to the next column right in the area.
line1: The pattern to fill with. If the pattern is shorter than the area size, the pattern will loop. The pattern does not restart at the end of a row or column.
line2: Optional. If given, each time the end of row (if horiz is True) or column (if horiz is False) is reached, the function will switch to filling with the other pattern. That is, the first row will use line1 then the second will use line2, then the third will use line1 again, etc.

generator.fill_edges(CellID what)

Fills the edges of the map with the given cell.

what: The cell to fill with.

generator.each(CellID what, Area [where]) → Table

Searches for a cell and returns a table containing every location it was found.

what: The cell to search for.
where: Optional. The area to restrict the search to.
Returns: A table containing a list of Coord objects.

generator.set_blood(Area [where], boolean [value], CellID [what])

Adds blood to the map or removes blood from it.

where: Optional. The area to affect. If omitted, the entire map will selected.
value: Optional. True adds blood. False removes it. If omitted, the default is to add blood.
what: Optional. If provided, only locations containing the given cell are affected. If omitted, all cells in the area are affected.

generator.set_permanence(Area [where], boolean [value], CellID [what])

Makes cell permanent or removes their permanence.

where: Optional. The area to affect. If omitted, the entire map will be selected.
value: Optional. True adds permanence. False removes it. If omitted, the default is to add permanence.
what: Optional. If provided, only locations containing the given cell are affected. If omitted, wall cells (which includes crate cells) are affected.

generator.cell_set(CellSet cells) → Table

Creates a cell group.

cells: A list of cells to add to the group.
Returns: A cell group table.

generator.restore_walls(CellID wallCell, boolean keepFluids)

Fixes the edge walls of the map.

wallCell: The cell to fill the edge of the map with.
keepFluids: True to maintain any fluid tiles on the edge of the map. False to overwrite them.

generator.plot_line(Coord where, boolean horiz, CellID cell, CellSet block)

Splits an area into two at the indicated location.

where: The starting point.
horiz: True draws along the indicated X position of the where coordinate. False draws along the indicated Y position of the where coordinate.
cell: The cell that will be used to split the area.
block: The cell(s) that block the line plotting. The drawn line will stop before hitting a coordinate with one of these cells.

generator.plot_lines(Coord where, Area larea, boolean horiz, CellID cell, CellSet block)

Splits an area into two at the indicated location.

where: The starting point.
larea: The boundaries of the line. The line will not extend past the edge of the area.
horiz: True draws along the indicated X position of the where coordinate. False draws along the indicated Y position of the where coordinate.
cell: The cell that will be used to split the area.
block: The cell(s) that block the line plotting. The drawn line will stop before hitting a coordinate with one of these cells.

generator.scatter(Area where, CellID good, CellID fill, integer count)

Randomly places a certain cell around the map.

where: The area to scatter the cell in.
good: Only this locations with this cell will be changed by the function.
fill: The cell to scatter around the area.
count: The number to attempt to place. If the chosen location is not good, then it will not change it. The final number placed may be less than count (or even 0), but never more.

generator.scatter_blood(Area where, CellID [good], integer count)

Randomly adds blood in an area.

where: The area to scatter blood in.
good: Optional. If defined, only locations with this cell will have blood added. If omitted, any location my have blood added.
count: The number of attempts. On each attempt, a random cell in the area will be chosen to have blood added. The number of cell that will end up bloody may be less than count (or even 0), but never more.

generator.scatter_put(Area where, Table translation, string tile, CellID good, integer count)

Randomly adds a specified tile (a defined arrangement of cells) around the map.

where: The area to scatter the tile in. The tiles will only be placed in locations entirely within the area.
translation: A table with to be used with the tile argument. Refer to this (will be linked soon) for more information.
tile: A multi-line string, one row of the tile per line, that lays out the arrangment of the cells. Refer to this (will be linked soon) for more information
good: Only locations with this cell will be valid for the tile placement. If any coordinates of the selected placement area are not good, the tile will not be placed at that location.
count: The number of tiles to try to place. The placement will continue until this many have been placed, or 10,000 attempts have been made, whichever comes first.

generator.transmute(CellID to, CellSet from, Area [where])

Changes all of one cell on the map to another cell.

to: The cell that will replace the existing cells.
from: The cell(s) that will be replaced.
where: Optional. If specified, only cells in the area are changed. If omitted, the function will change cells across the entire map.

generator.transmute_marker(Flag marker, CellID To, Area [where])

Changes all positions on the map that have a specified LightFlag (a named constant starting with "LF", no underscore) to another cell.

marker: The LightFlag to check for. Only cells with this flag will be changed.
to: The cell that will replace the existing cells.
where: Optional. If specified, only cells in the area are changed. If omitted, the function will change cells across the entire map.

Tile Handling Functions

generator.create_translation(Table code) → Table

Parses a translation table. Refer to this (will be linked soon) for more information.

code: The translation table.
Returns: A parsed translation table.

generator.tile_new(string map, Table translation) → Tile

Creates a new tile object.

map: A multi-line string containing the arrangement of the tile using the translation to convert the characters to cells. Refer to this (will be linked soon) for more information.
translation: A table with to be used with the map argument. Refer to this (will be linked soon) for more information.
Returns: The new tile object.

generator.tile_place(Coord where, Tile what)

Places the cells of the tile on the map.

where: The coordinate that the upper-left of the tile should reside at.
what: The tile object that will be placed.

generator.place_tile(Table translation, string tile, integer x, integer y)

Combines the tile_new and tile_place functions together, by placing a tile using a string and translation table.

translation: A table with to be used with the tile argument. Refer to this (will be linked soon) for more information.
tile: A multi-line string containing the arrangement of the tile using the translation to convert the characters to cells. Refer to this (will be linked soon) for more information.
x: The X position that the tile will be placed at.
y: The Y position that the tile will be placed at.

generator.place_dungen_tile(Table code, Tile tile, Coord where)

Places an entire tile, including beings and items in the translation, on the map.

code: The translation table. Refer to this (will be linked soon) for more information.
tile: A multi-line string containing the arrangement of the tile using the translation to convert the characters to cells and indicate the positions of the beings and items. Refer to this (will be linked soon) for more information.
where: The coordinate the tile will be placed at.

generator.place_symmetry_quad(string tile, Table translation)

Takes a tile object and places it in all four corners. The tile object should be setup for the upper left corner and will be mirrored to the other corners. The tiles are placed one space from the map edge.

tile: A multi-line string containing the arrangement of the tile using the translation to convert the characters to cells and indicate the positions of the beings and items. Refer to this (will be linked soon) for more information.
translation: The translation table. Refer to this (will be linked soon) for more information.

generator.place_proto_map(Coord where, string proto_map, string proto_key, Table code)

Creates a map using multiple tile sets.

where: The upper-left position of the map where the tiles will be layout from.
proto_map: A string indicating the arrangement of the different pieces of the map. e.g., "ABCD", will lay out 4 different tiles with A on the far left and D on the far right.
proto_key: A table containing, for each character in proto_map, a table of the possible tiles for that section.
code: The translation table for all the tile possibilities. Refer to this (will be linked soon) for more information. All tiles use the same translation table.

Room Handling Functions

generator.add_room(Area room, string [class])

Marks an area that can become a special room.

room: The area of the room. This includes the walls.
class: Optional. A string used to denote which room generators can be used on this room. If omitted, the class used is "closed".


Finds all the areas that can be rooms on a map and adds them to the appropriate meta-map tables.

generator.get_room(integer min_size, integer max_x, integer max_y, integer max_area, string class) → Room

Selects a room given certain criteria.

min_size: The smallest X and Y dimensions the room can be.
max_x: The maximum width of the room.
max_y: The maximum height of the room.
max_area: The largest area the room can be.
class: Optional. The string denoting which room classes are valid for this room generator. If omitted, "any" is used, which does not restrict the selection of rooms.

generator.get_endpoints(Coord where, boolean horiz, CellSet what) → integer, integer

Finds the ends of a line of cells.

where: The starting coordinate.
horiz: True checks horizontally. False checks vertically.
what: The cell(s) that make up the line to check. The functions stops at the first cell not in this list.
Returns: Two integers. If horiz is True, these are the X positions the line stops at. If horiz is False, these are the Y positions the line stops at.

generator.handle_rooms(integer count, boolean no_monsters)

Runs the rooms selection and setup process for a map.

count: The number of rooms to attempt to place.
no_monsters: True will exclude room generators that place monsters. False will not.

Generation Algorithm Functions

generator.run_drunkard_walk(Area where, Coord start, integer steps, CellID fill, CellSet [ignore], boolean [stop_at_edge], Area where)

Runs an algorithm that walks to random adjacent spaces.

where: The area that the algorithm will run in. If the algorithm tries to leave the area, it will stop early or will be pushed back in the area (stop_at_edge will determine which of these happen).
start: The location the algorithm will begin at.
steps: The number of steps the algorithm will take. The number of spaces covered by the algorithm will be at most this number.
fill: The cell that will be placed at each location the algorithm hits.
ignore: Optional. If specified, the algorithm will not place the fill cell in any location that has one of the cell(s) specified. If omitted, no locations are ignored.
stop_at_edge: Optional. If True, the algorithm will end early if it moves past the end of the area. If False, the algorithm will clamp to the area (any moves to outside the area get moved back in the area). If omitted, the default is to clamp.

generator.drunkard_walks(integer amount, integer steps, CellID fill, CellSet [ignore], boolean [stop_at_edge], Area [where])

Runs multiple "drunken walk" algorithms.

amount: The number of times to perform the algorithm.
steps: The number of steps each run of the algorithm will take. The number of spaces covered by the algorithm will be at most the amount times the number of steps.
fill: The cell that will be placed at each location the algorithm hits.
ignore: Optional. If specified, the algorithm will not place the fill cell in any location that has one of the cell(s) specified. If omitted, no locations are ignored.
stop_at_edge: Optional. If True, the algorithm will end early if it moves past the end of the area. If False, the algorithm will clamp to the area (any moves to outside the area get moved back in the area). If omitted, the default is to clamp.
where: Optional. The area the algorithm will run in. If the algorithm tries to leave the area, it will stop early or will be pushed back in the area (stop_at_edge will determine which of these happen). If omitted, the default is entire area minus the very edge.

generator.contd_drunkard_walks(integer amount, integer steps, CellID fill, CellSet edges1, CellSet edges2, CellSet [ignore], boolean [stop_at_edge])

Runs multiple "drunken walk" algorithms starting at a space that doesn't have certain cells around it.

amount: The number of times to perform the algorithm.
steps: The number of steps each run of the algorithm will take. The number of spaces covered by the algorithm will be at most the amount times the number of steps.
fill: The cell that will be placed at each location the algorithm hits.
edges1: The algorithm will not start on a space with a cell listed here next to it.
edges2: The algorithm will not start on a space with a cell listed here next to it.
ignore: Optional. If specified, the algorithm will not place the fill cell in any location that has one of the cell(s) specified. If omitted, no locations are ignored.
stop_at_edge: Optional. If True, the algorithm will end early if it moves past the end of the area. If False, the algorithm will clamp to the area (any moves to outside the area get moved back in the area). If omitted, the default is to clamp.

generator.warehouse_fill(CellID fill, Area where, integer [size], integer [count], integer [special_chance], CellID [special])

Fills an area with random squares of cells.

fill: The cell(s) to use for each square. If a list is given, one is chosen at random for each square.
where: The area to fill.
size: Optional. The size of the squares to use. If omitted, the default is 2.
count: Optional. The number of attempts. If omitted, the default is 50.
special_chance: Optional. A number indicating the probability of using a special list of cells to fill the square with instead of the fill list. The roll used for the chance is based on the size parameter. A number from 1 to (100 * size) is chosen for each square and if the roll is less than the special_chance number, the special cell set is used to fill the square instead. If omitted, all squares will be filled from the fill set.
special: Optional. The list of cells to use if the special set is to be used, based on special_chance. If omitted, all squares will be filled from the fill set.

generator.place_blob(Coord start, integer size, CellID cell)

Fills an area by expanding to random edge coordinates.

start: The position to start the blob at.
size: The number of spaces to expand the blob to.
cell: The cell to fill the blob area with.

Generator Helper Functions

generator.roll_pair(Table list) → <value>, <value>

Takes a list of values of any type and returns two different values randomly from the list.

list: The list to choose from.
Returns: Two different values. If the list only contains one choice, it will be returned, but only once.


Gets the total danger level for the current dungeon level. Returns: The danger level for the current dungeon level. This value is calcuated using the current difficulty and level.danger_level.


Gets the number of items to drop for the current dungeon level. Returns: The number of items to drop for the current dungeon level.

generator.horiz_river(CellID cell, integer width, boolean [bridge])

Places a horizontal river on the map.

cell: The cell to use for the river. It does not have to be a fluid cell.
width: The width of the river.
bridge: Optional. If True, a 2 space wide bridge will be placed at a random coordinate on the river. If False, no bridge will be placed. If omitted, the default is to not place a bridge.

generator.vert_river(CellID cell, integer width, boolean bridge, integer [position])
generator.vert_river(CellID cell, integer width, boolean bridge, Coord [position])

Places a vertical river on the map.

cell: The cell to use for the river. It does not have to be a fluid cell.
width: The width of the river.
bridge: Optional. If True, a 2 space wide bridge will be placed at a random coordinate on the river. If False, no bridge will be placed. If omitted, the default is to not place a bridge.
NOTE: Because of a bug, a bridge will always be placed on the river, even if this value is set to False or omitted.
position: A coordinate or an integer. If an integer is supplied, this is the X position of the river's left edge. If a coordinate is supplied, the river will start at this coordinate. If omitted, the river's left edge will be selected from between X = 19 to 58.

generator.generate_rivers(boolean allow_horiz, boolean allow_more)

Creates rivers based on normal DoomRL river generation.

allow_horiz: True allows horizontal rivers to be generated. False will prevent the generation of horizontal rivers.
allow_more: True allows multiple vertical rivers. False will prevent more than one vertical river from being placed.

generator.generate_fluids(Area [where])

Creates fluids based on normal DoomRL fluid generation.

where: Optional. The area to generate fluids in. If omitted, the area used will be the entire map minus the very edge.


Creates barrels based on normal DoomRL barrel generation.


Creates the normal staircase based on normal DoomRL stair generation.


Creates the special staircase based on normal DoomRL special stair generation. Whether a special staircase is placed depends on the level.special_exit value.


Places the player on a random empty space. gen)

Runs a generator object. These are stored in the generators table.

gen: The generator object to run.


Resets the map.

Dungeon Generation Functions


Creates a tiled dungeon, also known as a "normal" dungeon. This only creates the layout, it does not place beings, items, stairs, barrels, or the player.

generator.maze_dungeon(CellID floor, CellID wall, integer granularity, integer tries, integer min_size, integer max_size)

Creates a maze dungeon. This only creates the layout, it does not place beings, items, stairs, barrels, or the player.

floor: The cell to use for the floor of the maze.
wall: The cell to use for the wall of the maze.
granularity: This denotes the size of the maze's paths.
tries: Number of attempts to place a new wall in the maze.
min_size: The smallest possible size of a wall.
max_size: The largest possible size of a wall.


Runs the generation script for the cave dungeon. This is an all inclusive function, it also places all beings and items.


Runs the generation script for the cave-city dungeon. This is an all inclusive function, it also places all beings and items.


Runs the generation script for the lava dungeon. This is an all inclusive function, it also places all beings and items.

Event Handler Functions


Picks an event from the events table and sets it up.

generator.setup_flood_event(integer direction, integer step, CellID cell)

Runs the setup script for the flood event.

direction: Use 1 to flood from the left. Use -1 to flood from the right.
step: Number of turns (0.1 second intervals) between each flood step.
cell: The cell to flood with. This does not have to be a fluid cell.

generator.setup_deadly_air_event(integer step)

Runs the setup script for the deadly air event.

step: Number of turns between each "chill" (loss of HP).

generator.setup_explosion_event(integer step, integer size, integer dice, integer [content])
generator.setup_explosion_event(integer step, Table size, integer dice, integer [content])

Runs the setup script for the explosion event.

step: Number of turns between each explosion.
size: Either a number or a table of two numbers. Indicates the size of each explosion. If a table is supplied, the size is randomly chosen between the range supplied each time an explosion is created.
dice: Number of d6 dice to use for the damage roll.
content: Optional. The content to place in any space where the damage to a space is more than 20 points. If omitted, nothing will placed.

generator.setup_targeted_event(integer step)

Runs the setup script for the targeting event.

step: Number of turns between each monster teleport.

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