Thermonuclear bomb

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Revision as of 02:56, 20 July 2011 by Tehtmi (Talk | contribs)

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Thermonuclear bomb
Appearance: %
Effect: Drops an activated bomb to the floor with a timer of 10.0s. When the timer expires, everything in the level is destroyed except for the stairs.
How to get it: Random (10+)
Ingame Description: Cool firepower, but how will you save yourself?
Comments/special: If the player is invincible, he can survive the explosion. If the player leaves the level before the timer expires, then he will be safe, but he won't be awarded the kills from the bomb. If the player dies while the timer is still counting down, then the bomb will go off and the player will be awarded kills for the remaining monsters. Against the Cyberdemon, dying to/with an active thermonuclear bomb counts only as a partial win.