Modding:Tutorial/The Infinite Arena/Source

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Revision as of 21:45, 1 October 2011 by Game Hunter (Talk | contribs)

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core.declare("inf_arena", {} )
--enemy scaling for each wave: note that game difficulty will modify scaling independently
local mob_scale_factor = 0.5
--customize minLev/maxLev/weight of each enemy (defaults given)
--for names of beings, check Object IDs in the modding documentation
--be aware that JC auto-ends the game unless modified directly
local mobGenStats = {
    { being = "former",         minLev = 0,   maxLev = 12,  weight = 10 },
    { being = "sergeant",       minLev = 2,   maxLev = 15,  weight = 10 },
    { being = "captain",        minLev = 8,   maxLev = 15,  weight = 10 },
    { being = "imp",            minLev = 0,   maxLev = 17,  weight = 8  },
    { being = "demon",          minLev = 4,   maxLev = 20,  weight = 6  },
    { being = "lostsoul",       minLev = 6,   maxLev = 16,  weight = 10 },
    { being = "knight",         minLev = 9,   maxLev = 15,  weight = 6  },
    { being = "cacodemon",      minLev = 10,  maxLev = 50,  weight = 6  },
    { being = "commando",       minLev = 12,  maxLev = 17,  weight = 6  },
    { being = "pain",           minLev = 12,  maxLev = 17,  weight = 2  },
    { being = "baron",          minLev = 12,  maxLev = 200, weight = 6  },
    { being = "arachno",        minLev = 13,  maxLev = 50,  weight = 4  },
    { being = "revenant",       minLev = 13,  maxLev = 200, weight = 5  },
    { being = "mancubus",       minLev = 15,  maxLev = 200, weight = 7  },
    { being = "arch",           minLev = 16,  maxLev = 200, weight = 4  },
    { being = "nimp",           minLev = 30,  maxLev = 60,  weight = 8  },
    { being = "ndemon",         minLev = 40,  maxLev = 200, weight = 6  },
    { being = "ncacodemon",     minLev = 51,  maxLev = 200, weight = 6  },
    { being = "narachno",       minLev = 50,  maxLev = 200, weight = 5  },
    { being = "narch",          minLev = 90,  maxLev = 200, weight = 3  },
    { being = "bruiser",        minLev = 50,  maxLev = 200, weight = 6  },
    { being = "lava_elemental", minLev = 70,  maxLev = 200, weight = 1  },
    { being = "shambler",       minLev = 80,  maxLev = 200, weight = 3  },
    { being = "agony",          minLev = 80,  maxLev = 200, weight = 1  },
    { being = "cyberdemon",     minLev = 80,  maxLev = 200, weight = 1  },
    { being = "arenamaster",    minLev = 0,   maxLev = 0,   weight = 0  },
    { being = "angel",          minLev = 0,   maxLev = 0,   weight = 0  },
    { being = "jc",             minLev = 0,   maxLev = 0,   weight = 0  },
--item scaling for each wave
local item_scale_factor = 0.5
--customize level/weight of items (defaults given)
--for names of items, check Object IDs in the modding documentation
local itemGenStats = {
    { item = "knife",        level = 1,  weight = 640 },
    { item = "pistol",       level = 1,  weight = 70  },
    { item = "shotgun",      level = 2,  weight = 180 },
    { item = "ashotgun",     level = 2,  weight = 160 },
    { item = "dshotgun",     level = 4,  weight = 100 },
    { item = "chaingun",     level = 5,  weight = 200 },
    { item = "bazooka",      level = 7,  weight = 200 },
    { item = "plasma",       level = 12, weight = 70  },
    --ammo/ammo packs
    { item = "ammo",         level = 1,  weight = 500 },
    { item = "pammo",        level = 3,  weight = 700 },
    { item = "shell",        level = 2,  weight = 400 },
    { item = "pshell",       level = 4,  weight = 200 },
    { item = "rocket",       level = 5,  weight = 60  },
    { item = "procket",      level = 7,  weight = 60  },
    { item = "cell",         level = 8,  weight = 36  },
    { item = "pcell",        level = 10, weight = 18  },
    { item = "garmor",       level = 1,  weight = 400 },
    { item = "barmor",       level = 4,  weight = 240 },
    { item = "rarmor",       level = 7,  weight = 150 },
    { item = "sboots",       level = 4,  weight = 240 },
    { item = "pboots",       level = 7,  weight = 150 },
    { item = "psboots",      level = 11, weight = 80  },
    { item = "smed",         level = 1,  weight = 600 },
    { item = "lmed",         level = 5,  weight = 400 },
    { item = "phase",        level = 5,  weight = 200 },
    { item = "hphase",       level = 7,  weight = 100 },
    { item = "epack",        level = 5,  weight = 100 },
    { item = "nuke",         level = 10, weight = 40  },
    { item = "lava_element", level = 23, weight = 0   },
    { item = "mod_power",    level = 7,  weight = 120 },
    { item = "mod_tech",     level = 6,  weight = 120 },
    { item = "mod_bulk",     level = 6,  weight = 120 },
    { item = "mod_agility",  level = 5,  weight = 120 },
    { item = "shglobe",      level = 1,  weight = 900 },
    { item = "lhglobe",      level = 6,  weight = 330 },
    { item = "scglobe",      level = 4,  weight = 150 },
    { item = "bpack",        level = 1,  weight = 200 },
    { item = "iglobe",       level = 7,  weight = 200 },
    { item = "msglobe",      level = 16, weight = 60  },
    { item = "map",          level = 1,  weight = 200 },
    { item = "pmap",         level = 1,  weight = 80  },
    { item = "ashard",       level = 5,  weight = 700 },
    { item = "backpack",     level = 7,  weight = 0   },
    { item = "chainsaw",        level = 12, weight = 3  },
    { item = "ublaster",        level = 4,  weight = 2  },
    { item = "uashotgun",       level = 6,  weight = 6  },
    { item = "upshotgun",       level = 12, weight = 4  },
    { item = "udshotgun",       level = 10, weight = 5  },
    { item = "uminigun",        level = 10, weight = 6  },
    { item = "umbazooka",       level = 10, weight = 6  },
    { item = "unapalm",         level = 10, weight = 6  },
    { item = "ulaser",          level = 12, weight = 5  },
    { item = "unplasma",        level = 15, weight = 4  },
    { item = "utristar",        level = 12, weight = 4  },
    { item = "bfg9000",         level = 20, weight = 2  },
    { item = "unbfg9000",       level = 22, weight = 2  },
    { item = "utrans",          level = 14, weight = 3  },
    { item = "uoarmor",         level = 7,  weight = 4  },
    { item = "uparmor",         level = 10, weight = 6  },
    { item = "upboots",         level = 8,  weight = 6  },
    { item = "ugarmor",         level = 15, weight = 6  },
    { item = "ugboots",         level = 10, weight = 6  },
    { item = "umedarmor",       level = 5,  weight = 6  },
    { item = "uduelarmor",      level = 5,  weight = 6  },
    { item = "ubulletarmor",    level = 2,  weight = 4  },
    { item = "uballisticarmor", level = 2,  weight = 5  },
    { item = "ueshieldarmor",   level = 5,  weight = 3  },
    { item = "uplasmashield",   level = 10, weight = 3  },
    { item = "uenergyshield",   level = 8,  weight = 3  },
    { item = "ubalshield",      level = 6,  weight = 3  },
    { item = "uacidboots",      level = 8,  weight = 5  },
    { item = "uswpack",         level = 5,  weight = 10 },
    { item = "ubskull",         level = 5,  weight = 8  },
    { item = "ufskull",         level = 7,  weight = 8  },
    { item = "uhskull",         level = 9,  weight = 8  },
    { item = "umod_firestorm",  level = 10, weight = 4  },
    { item = "umod_sniper",     level = 10, weight = 2  },
    { item = "ubutcher",     level = 1,  weight = 2 },
    { item = "spear",        level = 16, weight = 0 },
    { item = "uscythe",      level = 16, weight = 0 },
    { item = "utrigun",      level = 8,  weight = 2 },
    { item = "ujackal",      level = 10, weight = 2 },
    { item = "uberetta",     level = 6,  weight = 3 },
    { item = "usjack",       level = 12, weight = 2 },
    { item = "urbazooka",    level = 12, weight = 2 },
    { item = "uacid",        level = 12, weight = 3 },
    { item = "urailgun",     level = 15, weight = 2 },
    { item = "ubfg10k",      level = 20, weight = 1 },
    { item = "umarmor",      level = 15, weight = 3 },
    { item = "ucarmor",      level = 10, weight = 2 },
    { item = "unarmor",      level = 10, weight = 3 },
    { item = "umedparmor",   level = 10, weight = 2 },
    { item = "ulavaarmor",   level = 12, weight = 2 },
    { item = "uenviroboots", level = 10, weight = 2 },
    { item = "ushieldarmor", level = 10, weight = 2 },
    { item = "aarmor",       level = 22, weight = 0 },
    { item = "uhwpack",      level = 10, weight = 4 },
    { item = "umodstaff",    level = 15, weight = 4 },
    { item = "uarenastaff",  level = 4,  weight = 0 },
    { item = "umod_nano",    level = 10, weight = 1 },
    { item = "umod_onyx",    level = 10, weight = 1 },	
--changes the generation stats of enemies based on mobGenStats
for _,v in ipairs(mobGenStats) do
    beings[v.being].minLev = v.minLev
    beings[v.being].maxLev = v.maxLev
    beings[v.being].weight = v.weight
--changes the generation stats of items based on itemGenStats
for _,v in ipairs(itemGenStats) do
    items[v.item].level  = v.level
    items[v.item].weight = v.weight
--add your own announcer lines here
local anncrMsg = {
    --displays whenever player completes wave
    success = {
        "The voice booms, \"Congratulations mortal!",
        "The voice booms, \"Impressive mortal!",
        "The voice booms, \"Most impressive.",
        "The voice booms, \"You are a formidable warrior!",
        "Each of your triumphs is a work of art!",
        "Your ability to survive is incredible!",
        "You've given us a great show!",
        "You would make a terrific hell warrior!",
        "But can you keep going?\"",
        "How much longer can you go?\"",
        "Will you fight with us a little more?\"",
        "I can let you go now if you like, or...\"",
    --displays whenever player decides to continue to another wave
    choice = {
        "The voice booms, \"I like it! Let the show go on!\"",
        "The voice booms, \"Excellent! May the fight begin!!!\"",
        "You hear screams everywhere! \"More Blood! More BLOOD!\"",
        "You hear screams everywhere! \"Kill, Kill, KILL!\"",
--add your own crowd lines here
--displays whenever enemy is killed
local crowdMsg = {
    "The crowd goes wild! \"BLOOD! BLOOD!\"",
    "The crowd cheers! \"Blood! Blood!\"",
    "The crowd cheers! \"Kill! Kill!\"",
    "The crowd hisses. \"We came for a REAL fight!\"",
    "The crowd boos. \"No skill, no kill!\"",
local function build_announcerMsg(MSG)
    for _,msgNum in ipairs(MSG) do
--from Skulltag Arena, credit goes to yaflhdztioxo
--initializes table of cells that a considered corpses
local corpseCells = {}
local function get_corpses
    for i = 1, #cells do
        if cells[i] and cells[i].flags then
            if cells[i].flag_set[CF_CORPSE] == true then
                table.insert(corpseCells, i) --i == sID's numeric value
--removes corpses and blood-like cells
local function clear_corpses()
    --fade away all blood
    Generator.transmute("blood", "floor")
    Generator.transmute("bloodpool", "blood")
    --changes corpses to blood
    for i = 1, #corpseCells do
        Generator.transmute(CorpseCells[i], "bloodpool")
--changes player equipment
--add "nil" for any slot that should be empty
--always refreshes all slots: do not use to change only one equipment slot
local function build_gear(weap,prep,body,foot)
    if weap then player.eq.weapon   = end --main weapon
    if prep then player.eq.prepared = end --prepared weapon	
    if body then player.eq.armor    = end --body armor
    if foot then    = end --boots
--changes player inventory
--always refreshes all slots: do not use to change only one equipment slot
input is an array of tables with two fields:
-name is the identifier of the item that goes in the inventory
-amt is how many items should be added (or how many units of ammo)
example table (based on default inventory):
local starter_pack = {
    {name = "ammo", amt = 24},
    {name = "smed", amt = 2},
local function build_pack(itemPack)
    for _,part in ipairs(itemPack) do
        if items[].type == ITEMTYPE_AMMO then
            --ammo is handled separately, loops for however many stacks are needed
            for n=1,math.ceil(part.amt/items[].ammomax) do
                local pack =
                if part.amt < pack.ammomax then
                    --remainder (or single) stack
                    pack.ammo = part.amt
                    --filled (and/or multiple) stacks
                    pack.ammo = pack.ammomax
            --loops for however many items are needed
            for n=1,part.amt do
function inf_arena.OnEnter()
    --inventory table used for build_pack()
    local itemPack = {
        {name = "smed",  amt = 2},
        {name = "shell", amt = 50},
    --set up starting eq/inv
    --Print announcer messages
    ui.msg("A devilish voice announces: \"Welcome to Hell's Arena, mortal! " ..
           "\"You are either very brave or very foolish. Either way I like it! " ..
           "\"And so do the crowds!\" Suddenly you hear screams everywhere! " ..
	   "\"Blood! Blood! BLOOD!\" \"Kill all enemies and I shall reward thee!\"")
    --spawn first wave
function inf_arena.OnKill(being)
    --random message from crowdMsg array
function inf_arena.OnKillAll()
    --print more announcer stuff
    if Level.result() == 1 then
        ui.msg("The voice booms, \"Not bad mortal! For a weakling that you are, " ..
               "you show some determination.\" You hear screams everywhere! " ..
               "\"More Blood! More BLOOD!\" The voice continues, \"I can now " ..
               "let you go free, or you may try to complete the challenge!\"")
    elseif Level.result() == 2 then
        ui.msg("The voice booms, \"Impressive mortal! Your determination to " ..
               "survive makes me excited!\" You hear screams everywhere! " ..
               "\"More Blood! More BLOOD!\" \"I can let you go now, and give you " ..
               "a small reward, or you can choose to fight an additional challenge!\"")
        --random message from anncrMsg.success array
    local choice = ui.msg_confirm("Round " .. Level.result() + 1 .. " awaits. " ..
                                  "Do you want to continue the fight?")
    if choice == true then --continuing
        --random message from anncrMsg.choice array
        --set up the danger level for the next wave
        Level.result(Level.result() + 1);
        Level.danger_level = Level.result();
        --spawn items for next wave
        --spawn enemies for next wave
    else --quitting
        if Level.result() == 1 then
            ui.msg("The voice booms, \"Coward!\" You hear screams everywhere! " ..
                   "\"Coward! Coward! COWARD!\"")
        elseif Level.result() == 2 then
            ui.msg("The voice booms, \"Too bad, you won't make it far then...!\" " ..
                   "You hear screams everywhere! \"Boooo...\"")
        elseif Level.result() < 10 then
            ui.msg("The voice booms, \"An impressive run, Mortal!  We appreciate " ..
                   "it!\" The crowd starts to chant! \"Encore! Encore!\"")
            ui.msg("\"Ladies and gentlemen, your champion, "
                   .. Player.get_name() .. ". He survived " .. Level.result() ..
                   " rounds in our arena! That has to be some sort of record. " ..
                   "Give him a hand folks!\" The crowd starts to chant your name " ..
                   "and they begin throwing items into the ring!")
function inf_arena.OnExit()
    if Level.result() < 10 then
        ui.msg("The voice laughs, \"Flee mortal, flee! There's no hiding in hell!\"")
        ui.msg("The voice laughs, \"Remember to come back once you return to Hell " ..
               "for the extended stay\"")
    --used in .OnMortem()
    arena.result = "had enough of the gauntlet at wave "..Level.result()
function arena.OnMortem()
    local kill = player.killedby --calls kill descriptions from beings
    if arena.result then kill = arena.result end
        player:mortem_print( " "", level "..player.explevel.." "
                             .." "..klasses[player.klass].name..", "..kill )
        --e.g., "Cool Guy, level 1 Marine, had enough of the gauntlet at wave 8"
        player:mortem_print(" in the Infinite Arena...")
--Creation of Infinite Arena
function = "Infinite Arena"
    Level.name_number = 0
    local translation = {
    ["."] = "floor",
    ["#"] = "prwall",
    ["X"] = "pwall",
    [","] = "blood",
    [">"] = "stairs",
    local map = [[
    --change up the column types
    local column = {
    for i=1,11 + math.random(4) do
        Level.scatter_put(,3,68,15), translation, table.random_pick(column), "floor", 1)
    Level.scatter(area.FULL_SHRINKED, "floor", "blood", 100)
    Level.player(38, 10)