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Revision as of 19:53, 23 September 2011

--always declare the module_id global
core.declare( "arena" , {} )
function arena.OnEnter()
    core.play_music("rounds_of_hell_part_1")         --use some kick-ass music
    player:play_sound("preparetofight")               --skulltag announcer!
    player.eq.weapon = item.new( "shotgun" )          --give the man a shotty
    --add 50 shotgun shells to inventory in a single "shell" item
    local shells = item.new( "shell" )
    shells.ammo = 50
    player.inv:add( shells )
    Level.result(1)                                   --sets up first wave
    --big announcement stuff
    ui.msg("A devilish voice announces:")
    ui.msg("\"Welcome to Hell's Arena, mortal!\"")
    ui.msg("\"You are either very foolish, or very brave. Either way I like it!\"")
    ui.msg("\"And so do the crowds!\"")
    ui.msg("Suddenly you hear screams everywhere! \"Blood! Blood! BLOOD!\"")
    ui.msg("The voice booms again, \"Kill all enemies and I shall reward thee!\"")
    --create the first wave
    Level.summon("demon",3)                           --3 demons
    Level.summon("lostsoul",2)                        --2 lost souls
    Level.summon("cacodemon",DIFFICULTY-1)            --0/1/2/3/4 cacodemons
function arena.OnKill()
        --randomized cheers from the crowd
	local temp = math.random(3)
	if     temp == 1 then ui.msg("The crowds go wild! \"BLOOD! BLOOD!\"") 
	elseif temp == 2 then ui.msg("The crowds cheer! \"Blood! Blood!\"") 
	else                  ui.msg("The crowds cheer! \"Kill! Kill!\"") end
function arena.OnKillAll()
    if Level.result() == 1 then                       --if first wave completes
        --more talk
        ui.msg("The voice booms, \"Not bad mortal! For a weakling that you ")
        ui.msg("are, you show some determination.\"");
        ui.msg("You hear screams everywhere! \"More Blood! More BLOOD!\"")
        ui.msg("The voice continues, \"I can now let you go free, or")
        ui.msg("you may try to complete the challenge!\"");
        --player can choose to continue
        local choice = ui.msg_confirm("\"Do you want to continue the fight?\"")
        if choice then                                --player chose to continue
            core.play_music("rounds_of_hell_part_2")  --second verse better than first
            ui.msg("The voice booms, \"I like it! Let the show go on!\"")
            ui.msg("You hear screams everywhere! \"More Blood! More BLOOD!\"")
            Level.drop("chaingun")                    --sweet drop
            Level.summon("demon",3)                   --3 demons
            Level.summon("cacodemon",DIFFICULTY)      --1/2/3/4/5 cacodemons
        --player chose to stop
            ui.msg("The voice booms, \"Coward!\" ")
            ui.msg("You hear screams everywhere! \"Coward! Coward! COWARD!\"")
    elseif Level.result() == 2 then                   --if second wave completes
        --even more talk
        ui.msg("The voice booms, \"Impressive mortal! Your determination")
        ui.msg("to survive makes me excited!\"")
        ui.msg("You hear screams everywhere! \"More Blood! More BLOOD!\"")
        ui.msg("\"I can let you go now, and give you a small reward, or")
        ui.msg("you can choose to fight the final challenge!\"")
	--player can choose to continue
        local choice = ui.msg_confirm("\"Do you want to continue the fight?\"")
        if choice then                           --player chosen to continue
            core.play_music("rounds_of_hell_part_3")  --strongest music yet
            ui.msg("The voice booms, \"Excellent! May the fight begin!!!\"")
            ui.msg("You hear screams everywhere! \"Kill, Kill, KILL!\"")
            --some more sweet loot
            --spawns are a little more difficulty-dependent
            if DIFFICULTY <= 2 then              --ITYTD and HNTR
            elseif DIFFICULTY == 3 then          --HMP
            elseif DIFFICULTY >= 4 then          --UV and N!
        else                                     --player chose to stop
            ui.msg("The voice booms, \"Too bad, you won't make it far then...!\" ")
            ui.msg("You hear screams everywhere! \"Boooo...\"")
           --pointless loot
    elseif Level.result() == 3 then              --if third wave completes
        --finally done talking
        ui.msg("The voice booms, \"Congratulations mortal! A pity you came to")
        ui.msg("destroy us, for you would make a formidable hell warrior!\"")
        ui.msg("\"I grant you the title of Hell's Arena Champion!\"")
        ui.msg("\"And a promise is a promise... search the arena again...\"")
        --also pointless loot
    --increment level counter each time a wave completes
function arena.OnExit()
    ui.msg_enter("The voice laughs, \"Flee mortal, flee! There's no hiding in hell!\"")
    --takes care of mortem text for "killed by something unknown..."
    if Level.result() < 4
        then arena.result = "fled alive the trials at wave "..Level.result()
        else arena.result = "completed the trials"
function arena.OnMortem()
    local kill = player.killedby                 --calls kill descriptions from beings
    if arena.result then kill = arena.result end
        player:mortem_print( " "..player.name..", level "..player.explevel.." "
                             .." "..klasses[player.klass].name..", "..kill )
        --e.g., "Cool Guy, level 1 Marine, fled alive the trials at wave 3"
        player:mortem_print(" in the Hell Arena...")
function arena.run()
    Level.name = "Hell Arena"                    --that IS what it's called
    Level.name_number = 0                        --remove floor #
    Level.fill("prwall")                         --immortal border tiles
    local translation = {
        ['.'] = "floor",                         --gray floor
        [','] = "blood",                         --red floor (blood)
        ['#'] = "rwall",                         --red wall (bloodstone)
        ['>'] = "stairs"                         --gray (normal) stairs
     --create map cell string (76x18)
	local map = [[
    --create pillar cell string (6x5)
    local column = [[
    --puts map in non-border area
    Level.place_tile( translation, map, 2, 2 )
    --adds random pillars and blood
    Level.scatter_put( area.new(5,3,68,15), translation, column, "floor",9+math.random(8))
    Level.scatter( area.FULL_SHRINKED,"floor","blood",100)
    --inserts player
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