Military Base

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Revision as of 04:51, 25 March 2013 by Thomas (Talk | contribs)

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Game Data Strategy
Military Base
Depth: 7
Entrance Text: Seeing this place again takes you back!
Reward Text: None
Exit Text:
Monsters on ITYTD:
Monsters on HNTR: Former humans, former sergeants, former captains, elite former humans and elite former sergeants.
Monsters on HMP: Former humans, former sergeants, former captains, elite former humans and elite former sergeants.
Monsters on UV: Former humans, former sergeants, former captains, elite former humans and elite former sergeants.
Monsters on N!:
Rewards: An envirosuit, a couple of mods and a whole bunch of ammo. The breakable crates may contain all sorts of cool stuff, up to and including ammochains, shell boxes and large med packs.
Description/tips: The pink and yellow crates can be broken with any weapon, although a pistol may take a few shots.
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