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Game Data Strategy
Appearance: M
Health: 60
Armor: 2
Accuracy: +3 melee, +3 ranged
Melee Damage: 1d3+8 = 9-11 = 10
Projectile Damage: 4d6 = 4-24 = 14: fire damage, radius 2
Speed: 80%
Standard Depth: 15+
Experience Value: 452
Inventory: Rocket (x3)
AI habits: Uses items: No
Uses doors: Yes
Attack %: 50
Special abilities: Ranged attack fires 3 projectiles: 1 down the middle and one at each side.
Ingame description: It's big, it's mean, and it has two rocket launchers. What could be worse?
Comments/special: Shortly after firing a barrage of 3 projectiles, it will fire a second barrage, regardless of if it can still see the player (where it'll then fire towards where it last saw the player). The second barrage can be interrupted by damaging the Mancubus between its action however.
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