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Revision as of 17:21, 29 July 2011 by Game Hunter (Talk | contribs)

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This page is designed to help players contribute to the strategy section of this wiki. It includes some tips and pointers on adding content, how to organize the pages in general, and some (very relaxed) rules as to what kind of information should be posted.


So far the only template used for strategy pages is the info/strategy switch template. This should be posted on the first line of every strategy page that specifically refers to a topic from the Game Information section. There is no necessary input for the template, just use {{infostrat switch}}.

Example: Fists, Strategy:Fists


At the moment there's no set format for strategy pages, you may very well consider them similar to Talk: pages.

As for how comments should be added:

  • Please include the game version number (example: at the beginning of the comment. If you're adding to another comment that is of the some version as your own, it is not necessary to do this. We may eventually create some shorthand for this sort of thing but in the meantime it shouldn't be too troubling to manually add it in.
  • Adding a signature (~~~), a timestamp (~~~!~), or both (~~~~) would also be helpful.


As mentioned before, these aren't very strict, but for the sake of peaceful interaction in these pages, please comply with the following:

  • Do not engage in back-and-forth arguments, and do not insult commenters on their own strategies. Strategies that oppose each other are more than welcome, but directly calling out one or the other is unnecessary. If you wish to validate your own strategy over others, try to provide some proof in the form of mortems or whatnot. (Eventually there may come a point where we create protected sections for reliable strategies, but other than that these are MEANT to be pretty freeform.)
  • Provide complete and original statements. Saying that "the combat shotgun is the best weapon ever and you should never use anything else" may inspire players to try it out, but it's far better to explain why you believe this to be true. Also, if you want to agree with a person, connect to their own statements rather than starting a new thread.
  • Do not create brand new strategy pages for very specific topics. If you want to talk about how to beat the Mortuary with a pistol build, comment in the Mortuary page or the Pistol page (or, if it turns out we need one, the Pistol Builds page): do not make a "Strategy:Mortuary with a pistol build" page. If strategy pages start to become very large and separating them into smaller pages becomes a reasonable option, it is recommended that you do so, but only when that time comes.

To help expediate the construction and completition of the Strategy: namespace, please discuss ways on improving it in the Talk:Strategy:Guidelines page.