Technical mod pack

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Game Data Strategy
Technical mod pack
Appearance: "
Effect: Weapons: Decreases firing time by 15%, with the decrease rounded to the nearest tenth of a second (so a weapon with 1.0 seconds firing time will be reduced by 0.2 seconds with the first Technical mod, but each subsequent Technical mod will reduce it by 0.1 seconds).

Armor and Boots: Increases all physical resistances by +20% and all energy resistances by +10% (however, resistances cannot be increased beyond 95%).

How to get it: Random (5+), Hell's Armory
Ingame Description: Technical modification kit -- decreases fire time for weapons, or increases armor knockback resistance.
Comments/special: The firing time of a weapon is rounded to the nearest 0.1s after applying this mod. The rounding behavior means that a firing time of 1.0s will be reduced to 0.8s.
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