Tower of Babel

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Revision as of 16:56, 2 February 2012 by The DoomRLguy (Talk | contribs)

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Game Data Strategy
Tower of Babel
Depth: 16
Entrance Text: You enter a big arena. There's blood everywhere. You hear heavy mechanical footsteps...
Reward Text: Congratulations! You defeated the Cyberdemon!
Exit Text: N/A
Monsters on ITYTD: Cyberdemon
Monsters on HNTR: See above
Monsters on HMP: Look, I already told you...
Monsters on UV: Are you blind or something?
Monsters on N!: *sigh*
Rewards: None
Description/tips: You enter in the north-west. The map has a series of randomly placed destroyable 3x3 pillars (except for one!) which you can use for cover.
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