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Game Data Strategy

Focused double shotgun and previous

A (9d4)x2 weapon. Crazy powerful, a real balance killer.

The focused double shotgun is a crazily powerful weapon. Imagine. A 8d4x2 shotgun, capable of 16 to 64 damage points per blast, amazing knockback distance, why isn't this weapon used more?

Well, for starters, you have to lug around a double shotgun long enough to make this advanced assembly. You need to have the first level of Whizkid down, which may mean two investments in Finesse. Interestingly, the master trait Army of the Dead blocks Finesse. Which means, you can't get a 64-damage dealing shotgun. Oh well. You also need a power, agility, and technical mod pack on a double shotgun. Again, these mods could be put to more practical use for armor and such in the short run.

For the actual strategy, there isn't much to say. The weapon deals a normal shotgun blast in spite of its name. (Only the combat shotgun deals a true focused blast). The range of the focused double shotgun is immense. The knockback distance can be as much as 13 tiles (shot a hell knight from a distance of 3 tiles upward). One needs to be careful with this weapon, as its clip size of 2 shells and a double blast as a regular double shotgun can eat through the small stacks of shells like no tomorrow. A hefty base reload time of 2.0 seconds is somewhat formidable.

Bottom line? This weapon is a great add-on to a collection of practical shotguns in a shotgun-based run. While not extremely useful as a primary weapon, a few blasts from this sucker will easily get you out of sticky situations.

GinDiamond (talk) 23:01, 15 October 2013 (CEST)

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