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(Created page with "This page is pending. The below is a dump from earlier versions. === Flags === {{drltable|Level Flags|2|{{Table2Col |es=background: #333; |c1=font-family:monospace; text-a...")

Revision as of 19:58, 22 December 2012

This page is pending. The below is a dump from earlier versions.


Level Flags
LF_NOHOMING Causes homing phase devices to act like normal phase devices.
LF_UNIQUEITEM Used by the level generation code to keep track of whether a unique item has dropped on the current level (in order to prevent multiple uniques from dropping on one level). This flag also causes a level feeling to occur indicating that a unique item is present.
LF_BONUS This flag is automatically set for so-called special levels like Halls of Carnage. (It is not set for those special levels like Hellgate that replace normal levels, only by those reached from red stairs.)
LF_RESPAWN Causes monsters to randomly respawn as when playing the game on Nightmare!
LF_NORESPAWN Prevents the Nightmare! respawn feature.
LF_NUKED This flag is automatically set when the level is nuked.
LF_NONUKE Causes the thermonuclear bomb to have no effect when it is used. It is not respected by other nuke effects.
LF_ITEMSVISIBLE Allows the player to see all items on the level (as with a Computer Map).
LF_BEINGSVISIBLE Allows the player to see all beings on the level (as with a Tracking Map).


These are properties of the global Level variable. They are changed by the engine as the player moves from level to level. For some of the read-only properties, rawset can be used to create a lua property that shadows the pascal property, tricking APIs that are implemented in lua. This is particularly useful for tricking the generator API into using a custom style.

Word status This is for use by level designers. It is preferred to access it through Level.result.
string name This is the level name as displayed on the HUD.
Byte name_number This controls the "LevX" part of the level name. If zero, it won't be displayed.
Byte danger_level Level generation parameter that corresponds to depth.
Byte style The style (tile set) used by the level generation functions. This property is read-only.
string special_exit The sid of the level that red stairs lead to on the current level number. This property is read-only.
string special_name The sid of the current level prototype or the empty string for random levels. This property is read-only.
DWord item_array_size Length of the sparse array that stores all the items on the level. This property is read-only.
DWord being_array_size Length of the sparse array that stores all the beings on the level. This property is read-only.
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