Talk:Thermonuclear bomb

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Wanted to add the pickup quote, but the template won't let me...

item_quote= 'Handle with care...' WTF?!| GrimmC 21:32, 6 January 2012 (CET)

  • Take a look at the Template:Item page: you'll notice that there isn't a field for item quotes. Most items that use this template don't have quotes in the first place, which is why a quote field wasn't included. My suggestion to you is to include the quote in the other field, as something along the lines of 'Displays the message "[message]" upon pickup.' Alternatively, you could modify the template to include a quote field...just make sure to include a default, lest we have a bunch of pages that are screwed up. Game Hunter 22:33, 6 January 2012 (CET)