The Chained Court/Map

From DoomRL Wiki

Revision as of 06:22, 29 July 2011 by Tehtmi (Talk | contribs)

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This page contains the map information for one of Doom RL's special levels. Due to the sheer ugliness of all the color tags used to make the map possible, the map is kept on this page separate from the rest of the level.

Editing these colored maps by hand is very tedious. Luckily, there is a python script that will take care of the coloring automatically given a suitable source file. The source data is included on this page. Please update it if you change the map.


end map

, : blood
& : blooded wall
# : stone wall
= : lava
" : agility mod pack
\ : chainsaw
^ : berserk pack
V : arena master
g : former captain
h : former human
B : baron of hell
2 : shotgun shell
4 : power cell
If Hell's Arena has not been completed:


If Hell's Arena has been completed:

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