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Latest revision as of 15:58, 18 July 2013

Item Flags
IF_CHAMBEREMPTY For IF_PUMPACTION weapons, this flag indicates whether ammo is in the chamber or not.
IF_UNIQUE This flag is set for unique items. Unique items add a player history message when picked up as well as doing a screen blink. Unique items are also not destroyable.
IF_EXOTIC This flag is set for exotic items. This is used by the game to compile the special items list.
IF_MODIFIED This flag is automatically set for items that have been modded.
IF_HALFKNOCK If a weapon with this flag is wielded, all knockback against the wielder will be halved.
IF_GLOBE This is a marker flag for items that are disallowed in Angel of Masochism.
IF_CURSED Items with this flag cannot be unequipped.
IF_RECHARGE Items with this flag regenerate ammo or durability as with a Nano Pack.
IF_CLEAVE Items with this flag give the wielder the benefits of the Blademaster trait (as Butcher's Cleaver).
IF_NOAMMO Items with this flag don't consume ammo when fired. For the player, a weapon still must have ammo loaded to be fired.
IF_NECROCHARGE Items with this flag recharge as with IF_RECHARGE, but reduce the weilder's health by 1 for each point of recharge (as with Necroarmor).
IF_PUMPACTION Ranged weapons with this flag must be pumped after each shot as with the combat shotgun.
IF_SINGLERELOAD Ranged weapons with this flag only reload one ammo at a time (as with the missile launcher) instead of all at once.
IF_PISTOL This flag indicates whether the weapon counts as a pistol for the purposes of the Son of a Gun and Dualgunner traits. (For kill counting, the weapon group is used instead.)
IF_SHOTGUN This flag causes a weapon's missile to be treated as a shotgun id rather than a missile id. Also, this flag is used to decide if the Shottyman trait should count the weapon as a shotgun. (For kill counting, the weapon group is used instead.)
IF_SPREAD Ranged weapons with this flag fire three shots at once (as the tristar blaster and mancubus natural weapon). In, this flag is a bit buggy.
IF_SCATTER For ranged weapons with this flag, each shot is aimed at a different cell near the real target (as with the BFG 10K).
IF_MODABLE Allows a unique item to be fully modded.
IF_SINGLEMOD Restricts the number of allowed mods on the item to one. (For unique items, this must be used along with IF_MODABLE.)
IF_DUALSHOTGUN For multi-shot weapons, this flag eliminates all delay between shots and causes the firing sound to play only once.
IF_AIHEALPACK This flag allows the default AI to pick up and use the item.
IF_NOUNLOAD Ranged weapons with this flag cannot be unloaded.
IF_NUKERESIST Items with this flag will not be destroyed by nuking.
IF_NODROP Items with this flag will not be dropped when the carrier/wearer dies.
IF_AUTOHIT Weapons with this flag never miss (as with items modified by a sniper weapon pack).
IF_SETITEM This flag is automatically set for items that specify a set.
IF_NODURABILITY Armors and boots with this flag have no durability (as with items modified by an Onyx Armor Pack).
IF_NODESTROY Armors with this flag cannot be destroyed by damage. Also, items on the ground with this flag will not be destroyed by explosions.
IF_NONMODABLE Items with this flag cannot be modded.
IF_NOREPAIR Armors and boots with this flag cannot be repaired by normal methods (ie item:fix). Directly setting item.durability bypasses this prohibition. Usually set for shields.
IF_ASSEMBLED This flag is automatically set on assemblies. Items with this flag cannot be used for the base of any other assembly.
IF_DESTROY Weapons with this flag will be destroyed after firing (with a default message). The flag is used for overcharged weapons.
IF_BLADE Weapons with this flag are considered blades for the purpose of activating the flags used for Malicious Blades.
IF_DESTRUCTIVE Weapons with this flag deal double damage to cells (if they can hurt cells, see CF_FRAGILE.)
IF_ROCKET Any weapon with this flag defined as a rocket launcher.
IF_NODEGRADE Armor's or boots' resistances aren't degraded due to damage taken. Usually set for shields.
IF_THROWDROP Combat knife has this flag in
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