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Revision as of 23:01, 16 July 2011 by Simon-v (Talk | contribs)

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  Most keybindings can be redefined via the file keybindings.lua. The 
  following set describes the standard layout.

  Arrows -- Walking around (also PgUp, PgDn, Home, End -- diagonally)
  '.'    -- Wait
  '?'    -- Run on-line help
  '>'    -- Go down stairs (you won't be able to come back!)
  'g'    -- Pick up item from floor
  'z'    -- Swap weapon (with prepared weapon)
  'd'    -- Drop item
  'i'    -- Show inventory
  'e'    -- Show or change equipment/show traits
  'o'    -- Open door
  'c'    -- Close door
  'l'    -- Toggle LookMode (Escape to exit)
  'f'    -- Alternative Fire of equipped weapon (if available)
  'F'    -- Special fire weapon (depending on weapon)
  'r'    -- Reload equipped weapon
  'R'    -- Special reload weapon (depending on weapon)
  'u'    -- Use item from inventory (eg. Med-pack)/pull lever
  'U'    -- Unload weapon from inventory/from ground
  '@@'    -- Show screen with character info (parameters of player
            and his equipment)
  'T'    -- Show character traits
  'A'    -- Show known assemblies
  'S'    -- Save game (works ONLY on the stairs to the next level)
  'Q'    -- Quit game (without saving)
  'P'    -- Show previous messages
  ','    -- Run command
  TAB    -- change tactic
  '0'..'9' Weapon quick keys:
      0  : Chainsaw
      1  : Combat Knife
      2  : Pistol
      3  : Shotgun
      4  : Combat shotgun
      5  : Double shotgun
      6  : Chaingun
      7  : Rocket launcher
      8  : Plasmagun
      9  : BFG9000

  '('    -- Toggle sound on and off
  ')'    -- Toggle music on and off

  'F10'  -- Makes screenshot in ASCII symbols and places it into
            "Screenshot" folder in .txt format
  'F9'   -- Makes colorful screenshot in BB codes (useful if you
            want to post it on forum) and places it into "Screenshot"
            folder in .txt format

  Commands for blind mode:
  'x'    -- Examines all visible NPCs
  'X'    -- Examines all visible items

@rKeys while targeting
  Arrows  -- move target line
  TAB     -- toggle target
  m       -- more information
  f,SPACE -- fire

@rInventory screen 

  Press item letter to do the default action on a given item. Wearable
  items will switch if one is already worn.
@rEquipment screen 

  Pressing the letter of a worn item will unequip it. Pressing the 
  letter of a empty slot will let you choose an item. Note though, that
  switching through the inventory screen is faster.
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