System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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table_pager_empty (Talk)No results
table_pager_first (Talk)First page
table_pager_last (Talk)Last page
table_pager_limit (Talk)Show $1 items per page
table_pager_limit_label (Talk)Items per page:
table_pager_limit_submit (Talk)Go
table_pager_next (Talk)Next page
table_pager_prev (Talk)Previous page
tag-filter (Talk)[[Special:Tags|Tag]] filter:
tag-filter-submit (Talk)Filter
tagline (Talk)From {{SITENAME}}
tags (Talk)Valid change tags
tags-description-header (Talk)Full description of meaning
tags-display-header (Talk)Appearance on change lists
tags-edit (Talk)edit
tags-hitcount (Talk)$1 {{PLURAL:$1|change|changes}}
tags-hitcount-header (Talk)Tagged changes
tags-intro (Talk)This page lists the tags that the software may mark an edit with, and their meaning.
tags-summary (Talk) 
tags-tag (Talk)Tag name
tags-title (Talk)Tags
talk (Talk)Discussion
talkexists (Talk)'''The page itself was moved successfully, but the talk page could not be moved because one already exists at the new title. Please merge them manually.'''
talkpage (Talk)Discuss this page
talkpageheader (Talk)-
talkpagelinktext (Talk)Talk
talkpagetext (Talk)<!-- MediaWiki:talkpagetext -->
template-protected (Talk)(protected)
template-semiprotected (Talk)(semi-protected)
templatepage (Talk)View template page
templatesused (Talk){{PLURAL:$1|Template|Templates}} used on this page:
templatesusedpreview (Talk){{PLURAL:$1|Template|Templates}} used in this preview:
templatesusedsection (Talk){{PLURAL:$1|Template|Templates}} used in this section:
textmatches (Talk)Page text matches
thisisdeleted (Talk)View or restore $1?
throttled-mailpassword (Talk)A password reset email has already been sent, within the last {{PLURAL:$1|hour|$1 hours}}. To prevent abuse, only one password reset email will be sent per {{PLURAL:$1|hour|$1 hours}}.
thu (Talk)Thu
thumbnail-dest-create (Talk)Unable to save thumbnail to destination
thumbnail-more (Talk)Enlarge
thumbnail-temp-create (Talk)Unable to create temporary thumbnail file
thumbnail_dest_directory (Talk)Unable to create destination directory
thumbnail_error (Talk)Error creating thumbnail: $1
thumbnail_gd-library (Talk)Incomplete GD library configuration: Missing function $1
thumbnail_image-missing (Talk)File seems to be missing: $1
thumbnail_image-type (Talk)Image type not supported
thumbnail_invalid_params (Talk)Invalid thumbnail parameters
thumbsize (Talk)Thumbnail size:
thursday (Talk)Thursday
timezone-utc (Talk)UTC
timezonelegend (Talk)Time zone:
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