System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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Current message text
right-userrights-interwiki (Talk)Edit user rights of users on other wikis
right-writeapi (Talk)Use of the write API
rightslog (Talk)User rights log
rightslogentry (Talk)changed group membership for $1 from $2 to $3
rightslogentry-autopromote (Talk)was automatically promoted from $2 to $3
rightslogtext (Talk)This is a log of changes to user rights.
rightsnone (Talk)(none)
rollback (Talk)Roll back edits
rollback-success (Talk)Reverted edits by $1; changed back to last revision by $2.
rollback_short (Talk)Rollback
rollbackfailed (Talk)Rollback failed
rollbacklinkcount (Talk)rollback $1 {{PLURAL:$1|edit|edits}}
rollbacklinkcount-morethan (Talk)rollback more than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|edit|edits}}
rotate-comment (Talk)Image rotated by $1 {{PLURAL:$1|degree|degrees}} clockwise
rows (Talk)Rows:
sat (Talk)Sat
saturday (Talk)Saturday
savearticle (Talk)Save page
savedprefs (Talk)Your preferences have been saved.
savefile (Talk)Save file
saveprefs (Talk)Save
saveusergroups (Talk)Save user groups
scarytranscludedisabled (Talk)[Interwiki transcluding is disabled]
scarytranscludefailed (Talk)[Template fetch failed for $1]
scarytranscludefailed-httpstatus (Talk)[Template fetch failed for $1: HTTP $2]
scarytranscludetoolong (Talk)[URL is too long]
scribunto-common-backtrace (Talk)Backtrace:
scribunto-common-error-category (Talk)Pages with script errors
scribunto-common-nofunction (Talk)Script error: You must specify a function to call.
scribunto-common-nosuchfunction (Talk)Script error: The function you specified did not exist.
scribunto-common-nosuchmodule (Talk)Script error: No such module.
scribunto-common-oom (Talk)The amount of memory allowed for running scripts has been exceeded.
scribunto-common-timeout (Talk)The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
scribunto-console-clear (Talk)Clear
scribunto-console-cleared (Talk)The console state was cleared because the module was updated.
scribunto-console-cleared-session-lost (Talk)The console state was cleared because the session data was lost.
scribunto-console-current-src (Talk)console input
scribunto-console-intro (Talk)* The module exports are available as the variable "p", including unsaved modifications. * Precede a line with "=" to evaluate it as an expression, or use print(). * Use mw.log() in module code to send messages to this console.
scribunto-console-title (Talk)Debug console
scribunto-console-too-large (Talk)This console session is too large. Please clear the console history or reduce the size of the module.
scribunto-desc (Talk)Framework for embedding scripting languages into MediaWiki pages
scribunto-doc-page-does-not-exist (Talk)''Documentation for this module may be created at [[$1]]''
scribunto-doc-page-header (Talk)'''This is the documentation page for [[$1]]'''
scribunto-doc-page-name (Talk)Module:$1/doc
scribunto-doc-page-show (Talk){{$1}} <hr />
scribunto-error-long (Talk)Script errors: $1
scribunto-error-short (Talk)Script error: $1
scribunto-ignore-errors (Talk)Allow saving code with errors
scribunto-line (Talk)at line $1
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