Phobos Anomaly

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Game Data Strategy
Phobos Anomaly
Depth: 8
Entrance Text: You sense a certain tension.
Reward Text: N/A
Exit Text: You feel yanked away in a non-existant direction!
Monsters on ITYTD: bruiser brother (x2)
Monsters on HNTR: lost soul (x14), cacodemon (x2), bruiser brother (x2)
Monsters on HMP: lost soul (x8), demon (x4), cacodemon (x4), bruiser brother (x2)
Monsters on UV: demon (x8), imp (x4), cacodemon (x4), bruiser brother (x2)
Monsters on N!: nightmare demon (x8), nightmare imp (x4), nightmare cacodemon (x4), bruiser brother (x2)
Rewards: red armor, Large Health Globe (x2), large med-pack (x2), 10mm ammo (2x24), rocket (5x3)
Description/tips: This level marks transition between the Phobos levels and the Deimos levels.